Boyflux Gender Meaning Definition
“Boyflux” is also sometimes referred to as “Boygenderflux” as a synonym, or “Boy-Flux” with a hyphen, or “Boy Flux” with a space, as some other forms
What Is The Meaning Or Definition Of Boyflux Gender: The term “boyflux” is derived from “boy,” which means “male,” and “flux,” which means “fluctuations,” hence, “boyflux” literally means “feeling of gender that is mostly male but its intensity fluctuates.” The term “boyflux” is a gender identity in which a person can feel entirely male most of the time but experiences varying degrees of male identity, and the intensity can fluctuate over any period of time. Boyflux is a type of genderfluidity and a subset of genderflux, which is a term used to describe any gender‘s intensity fluctuation. For instance, a person could feel not at all as agender, half as demiboy, fully as male, or anything in between, like paraboy or libramasculine.
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