Girlflux Gender Meaning Definition
“Girlflux” is also sometimes referred to as “Girl-Flux” with a hyphen, or “Girl Flux” with a space, as some other forms
What Is The Meaning Or Definition Of Girlflux: The term “girlflux” is derived from “girl,” which means “female,” and “flux,” which means “fluctuating,” hence, “girlflux” literally means “feeling of a fluctuating female gender.” The term “girlflux” is a gender identity in which a person feels mostly female for most of the time but also experiences fluctuating levels of female identity, despite their biological sex. For instance, a person could feel not at all as agender, half as a demigirl, and fully as a woman, or anything in between, such as a paragirl and librafeminine, where the intensity can fluctuate over any period of time. Girlflux is a type of genderfluidity and a subset of genderflux, which is a term used to describe any person’s gender identity that fluctuates. Girlflux is a particular gender identity of genderflux, but can be of any binary or nonbinary gender, such as boyflux, agenderflux, or bigenderflux.
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