Epicene Epicenity Meaning Definition
“Epicene” is also sometimes referred to as “Epicene” in short, or “Epicenity” as a synonym, or “Epicene” with a hyphen, or “Epicene” with a space, as some other forms
What Is The Meaning Or Definition Of Epicene / Epicenity: The term “epicene” is derived from “epi,” which means “above,” and “koinos,” which means “common,” hence, “epicene” literally means “feeling for a gender that is common to both sexes.” The term “epicene” is a gender identity that refers to individuals who have characteristics or traits of both binary genders or someone who cannot be classified as one sex or the other, but most often, it refers to effeminate males. Epicene is sometimes used synonymously with the term “androgynous,” which is the feeling of either having or not demonstrable characteristics of both or either binary genders, and is sometimes used to describe feminine male-identifying individuals. Epicenity is the lack of gender differentiation, which mostly decreases the emphasis on the masculine to allow the feminine. Epicenity includes androgyny, which is like having both masculine and feminine characteristics. Epicene and epicenity are both related to the terms gender-neutral language, gender-neutral pronoun, gender-blind, and unisex.
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