Types And Kinds Of Marriage And Wedding
Ultimate Guide To The Most Awesome Importance And Amazing Significance Of Types And Kinds Of Marriage And Wedding
Types And Kinds Of Marriage: Marriage-able: Marriageable means or is defined as that a person is at the right age of getting married. The term may also be used for a person’s overall suitability for getting married and being able to fulfill all the responsibilities that usually come with a marriage. Marriage Vows: Marriage vows means or is defined as the promises or commitments that two people make towards each other during their wedding ceremony. They pledge each other always to support each other in all circumstances and still be faithful towards each other. Marriage Ultimatum: Marriage ultimatum means or is defined as the last chance that one gives to someone to whom they would like to get married. It means that the other person must either say yes to marriage within a specified period, or there will be no other chance in the future. Marriage Scale: Marriage scale means or is defined as a barometer that describes the likelihood of a person getting married or their marriageability. It also indicates how suitable a person is for marriage and the chances of that person having a successful marriage. Marriage Trap: Marriage trap means or is defined as generally a setup that is well thought over in advance by someone desperate to get married for some particular reasons such as emotional connection, sexual attraction, situational, or monitory. Such acts of desperation are primarily designed to lure someone via sex or money for personal motives. Marriage Sickness: Marriage sickness means or is defined as a feeling that you get when everyone nags you to get married. It can also be a feeling when you see everyone else is happily married except you. Marriage Pact: Marriage pact means or is defined as a pact between two people who promise to get married to each other within a specified period. It may also include other terms and conditions related to getting married. Marriage Plans: Marriage plans means or is defined as the way a person wishes to carry on their plans to getting married, right from selecting a mate to making things happen. Not everyone is lucky enough to be able to execute whatever they planned for, but some are. Marriage Strike: Marriage strike means or is defined as when a person decides not to get married forever or at least for the time being. There can be many reasons, such as not being emotionally ready for such a big commitment, financial issues, fear of divorce, and not wanting to take responsibility, to name a few. Marriage Proposal: A marriage proposal means or is defined as an event in which one person asks for the other's hand in marriage, and if accepted by the other, it embarks on the initiation of engagement, which is a mutual understanding of eventually getting married. Most potential couples already discuss their wish and willingness to marry each other prior to a formal proposal, but some marriage proposals are intended to be a surprise. Marriage Counseling: Marriage counseling or marriage therapy means or is defined as a process of getting advice from a professional who is trained to resolve or improve interpersonal conflicts between married couples who are having problems in their relationship. This is a step that most couples take after they face relationship problems or issues, but before separating or filing for a divorce. Marriage Lite: Marriage lite means or is defined as a relationship or civil status that is similar to a full-fledged marriage, but it does not have the same legal responsibilities or implications. It allows two people to lead a life together as a couple in a long-term relationship but without any legal formalities. Marriage License: Marriage license means or is defined as an official legal document that two people need to get married to each other. It is a certificate that makes two people a married legal couple. Marriage Range: Marriage range means or is defined as the range of age or other criteria that are acceptable to someone. Such an approach may just be age, but it may also consist of educational background, social status, etc. Marriage Preference: Marriage preference means or is defined as a set of choices that are acceptable for marrying someone. Such a decision may include age, race, ethnicity, height, and body type, to name a few. Marriage Regret: Marriage regret means or is defined as marrying someone that they regret getting marrying after getting married. Such a situation arises when one realizes after getting married that the person they got married to is not the right one for them. Marriage Frenzy: Marriage frenzy means or is defined as a time when one realizes that they are single and that they need to find someone for marriage. Such a situation occurs when a person has been single for a long time and is getting old, they rush into marrying whoever they can manage to find because they are kind of freaked out. Marriage Equality: Marriage equality means or is defined as that any person should be free to marry whoever they want, regardless of their gender or sexual orientation. This term is also sometimes used to refer to equal rights between a husband and wife. Marriage Hooker: Marriage hooker means or is defined as a woman who uses her sexuality to lure men for marriage. They try to seduce wealthy men into sexual activities and get pregnant, leaving some men with no other option than to marry her. Marriage Obstacles: Marriage obstacles mean or is defined as problems or issues that a couple has to go through in their married life. Such constraints can consist of issues such as dealing with compatibility issues or getting over past emotional baggage. Marriage Chameleon: Marriage chameleon means or is defined as a person who makes drastic changes to their likes and dislikes, interests, and hobbies, just so that they can be more compatible with their life partner. They try their best to adjust and accommodate to the best of their capabilities for the happiness of their partner. Marriage Weight: Marriage weight means or is defined as the weight gain from being in a happy marriage. Most people tend to gain weight after they get married because of overeating if one of the partners is an excellent cook and also because there is no longer any stress to stay in shape to impress someone for marriage. Marriage Sabotage: Marriage sabotage means or is defined as when an outsider messes up a loving marriage that is going very smoothly. An outside person makes a couple’s married life a living hell and makes things totally miserable for them for their own ulterior motives. Marriage Suicide: Marriage suicide means or is defined as doing something that can potentially end a loving marriage. These are some of the things that one of the partners does know the fact that it can end their marriage, but they still end up doing them due to unavoidable circumstances. Marriage Points: Marriage points means or is defined as bonus points that a partner earns each time they do something out of the ordinary for their partner. It is a way to tell their partner that they care very deeply for them, and they can cash or redeem these points anytime they want by requesting their partner to return the favor by asking them to do something that they won’t do in the ordinary course. Marriage Insecurity: Marriage insecurity means or is defined as a situation in which one of the partners feels insecure all the time, especially they are away from their partner. They wish to be with their partner all the time so that they can feel secure, and they usually start panicking when they are away from their partner. Marriage Security: Marriage security means or is defined as a safety net that all partners in marriage seek so that they can feel more secure without the fear of getting abandoned. Such a situation can become a reason for concern in some cases when one of the partners is feeling insecure or inferior to the other. Marriage Goals: Marriage goals means or is defined as goals or objectives that power couples set in their marriage to make it more successful. It makes their marriage even more solid every time they reach a new benchmark or goalpost in their relationship. Marriage Break: Marriage break means or is defined as what come couples need to either sort out their ongoing problems and differences or just because the marriage is becoming too stressful for both of them. Being on a marriage break for a short time doesn’t mean it’s a divorce, it simply means that two people wish to spend some time being apart so that they can resume their relationship with a fresh perspective. Marriage Material: Marriage material means or is defined as a term that is used for single people who are a good catch for getting married. Such people possess qualities such as monogamousness, faithfulness, loyalty, compromising, supportive, good communication, commitment, and dedicated to their life partner, and that’s what makes them so desirable for marriage. Secretive Marriage: Secretive marriage closet means or is defined as that two people are legally married, but do not want anyone to come to know about their marriage. Such circumstances arise mainly when family members are opposed to the marriage, and it is also a common practice with celebrities who wish to keep their marriage a secret due to their popularity or fan following as a single person. Steady Marriage: A steady marriage means or is defined as one that continues forever and is rock solid. A steady marriage that goes on for a very long time becomes almost like a never-ending love story between two people who are made for each other. Civil Marriage: A civil marriage means or is defined as a legal marriage that is executed, performed, recorded, and recognized by a person from the legal department of government. Such a marriage may also be performed by a religious body that is recognized by the government. Court Marriage Or Lawful Marriage: Court marriage or lawful marriage means or is defined as a marriage that is executed by a court and is legally recognized as valid. Such marriages may or may not be officially celebrated in a religious or civil ceremony. Marrying Up: Marrying up means or is defined as marrying someone who is above a person’s caliber or status, either socially or in general in society. It may lead to an imbalance in the marriage but may work well for couples who hold a higher priority for love than status. Marrying Down: Marrying up means or is defined as marrying someone who is below a person’s caliber or status, either socially or in general in society. It may lead to an imbalance in the marriage but may work well for couples who hold a higher priority for love than status. Sanctity Of Marriage: Sanctity of marriage means or is defined as sacred rights or obligations of each partner towards each other. It is also the value and respect that the community or society shows towards married. Husband: A husband means or is defined as the male counterpart in a marital relationship, who is also referred to as a spouse or partner. The rights and obligations of a husband regarding his status as a spouse vary across different cultures and societies and have changed over time. Wife: A wife means or is defined as the female counterpart in a marital relationship, who is also referred to as a spouse or partner. The rights and obligations of a wife regarding his status as a spouse vary across different cultures and societies and have changed over time. Fiance: Fiancé means or is defined as a man to whom someone is engaged to be married. Such a man has formally promised to marry a particular woman and is also called as a prospective husband, future husband, husband-to-be, or would-be husband. Fiancee: Fiancée means or is defined as a woman to whom someone is engaged to be married. Such a woman has formally promised to marry a particular man and is also called a prospective wife, future wife, wife-to-be, or would-be wife. Engagement: Engagement means or is defined as a phase of a relationship between two people who wish to get married, during which period a couple is said to be engaged to get married. It is the period that falls right between a marriage proposal or finalization and the actual marriage or wedding ceremony, in which the future bride or would-be wife is called the fiancée, and the prospective groom or would-be husband is called the fiancé. Hypergamy: Hypergamy means or is defined as a marriage between a woman who is typically of lower social status than the man, creating a social imbalance that may lead to issues later on in the relationship. This is also known as marrying up, where the woman marries the man mainly due to the higher social status of the man, but there can also be other reasons such as real love and affection. Hypogamy: Hypogamy means or is defined as a marriage between a man who is typically of lower social status than the woman, creating a social imbalance that may lead to issues later on in the relationship. This is also known as marrying down, where the woman marries the man despite the lower social status of the man, probably due to other reasons such as real love and affection. Isogamy: Isogamy means or is defined as a marriage between a man and a woman who are typically of the same social status. This system of marriage is more likely to be successful than any other method. Endogamy: Endogamy means or is defined as the practice or social norm of marrying someone within a particular social group, caste, or ethnicity. Rejecting or declining those from outside as not suitable for marriage and even for engaging in other types of personal or intimate relationships. Exogamy: Exogamy means or is defined as the practice or social norm of marrying someone outside one's particular social group, caste, or ethnicity. Rejecting or declining those from within as not suitable for marriage and even for engaging in other types of personal or intimate relationships. Levirate: Levirate marriage means or is defined as the practice of social norms in which the brother of a deceased man is obliged or even forced to marry his brother's widow. Such rules are mostly outdated, but they still exist in some sections of society. Sororate: Sororate marriage means or is defined as the practice of social norm in which a husband of a deceased or infertile woman is obliged or even forced to marry or engage in sexual relations with the wife’s sister. Such norms are mostly outdated, but they still exist in some sections of society. Sologamy: Sologamy or self-marriage means or is defined as marrying your own self. It is not legal and is not considered a marriage, but still, some people hold mock ceremonies for hundreds of years to marry themselves. Types And Kinds Of Wedding: Wedding Announcement: Wedding announcement means or is defined as a way to let extended family and friends who were unable to attend the wedding ceremony to get a glimpse of the wedding by sharing news and events that took place. The couple tends to use carefully crafted words along with photos and videos to share the big day with their friends and family. Wedding Blessings Wedding blessings means or is defined as a blessing from God and also from the elderly family members. Such blessings are kind of similar to blessings that are religious and spiritual in nature as they are given in front of the community that acts as a witness of the wedding ceremony. Wedding Speech Wedding speech means or is defined as like a toast to wish the newly married couple a lot of good luck and health for their married life. Such speeches act like a connector between the formal wedding ceremony and the commencement of the wedding reception. Wedding Date Wedding date means or is defined as the actual date on which a couple is supposed to get married. Each culture has its own way of coming up with an auspicious date for a wedding that is supposed to be lucky as per astrology and numerology. Wedding Day Wedding day means or is defined as the day on which a couple gets married. Such a day carries a lot of emotions and meaning as it is celebrated every year as a token of remembrance of the formation of holy matrimony. Wedding Favors: Wedding favors means or is defined as small gift items given as a token of appreciation or gratitude to all the guests present at the wedding ceremony or reception. The tradition of giving out favors is a traditional custom. Wedding Bells: Wedding bells means or is defined as bells that are rung to celebrate a wedding at a religious place such as a church or a temple. Ringing bells during or after marriage is customary in many cultures. Wedding Schedule And Programs: Wedding schedule and programs means or is defined as an itinerary laying out the entire list of series of event in a wedding that can last for a week or even more. This can be part of the invitation card or may be given out as an additional handout. Wedding Gown, Suit, Attire, Clothes, Dress: Wedding gown, suit, attire, clothes, or dress means or is defined as a special piece of clothing that is worn by the man and woman at their wedding. The wedding gown is one of the most sought-after dresses in a woman’s life as it holds a lot of emotions and sentiments. Wedding Monogram: Wedding monogram means or is defined as the bride’s and groom's first initials, or it could also consist of the last initial. Such a monogram is used on the wedding cards and also at the wedding venue. Wedding March: Wedding march means or is defined as a piece of music that is traditionally played while a woman arrives at her wedding. It is also played when the woman and her husband leave after getting married. Wedding Jewelry And Ring: Wedding ring means or is defined as a ring that people in most cultures people wear on their finger to show that they are married. The type of ring and the finger it is worn on slightly differs in different cultures. Wedding Guest List: Wedding guest list means or is defined as a list of people who are going to be invited to attend the wedding ceremony. Creating such a list requires a lot of effort so that no one important is left out. Wedding Cake: Wedding cake means or is defined as a cake that is served at the wedding ceremony. It is supposed to be an essential part of the menu at any wedding and is supposed to the be center of attraction. Wedding Planner: Wedding planner means or is defined as a person who is in the profession of planning and organizing all aspects related to a wedding. Planning a wedding can sometimes be a very complicated task, and that is why a lot of people prefer to hire someone to take care of all activities, especially if the wedding is going to be quite extravagant. Wedding Budget Wedding budget means or is defined as the amount of money that the bride, groom, and their families plan to spend on the wedding ceremonies and events. Such expenses can quickly run out of control, and that is why fixing a wedding budget is a good idea. Wedding Hangover: Wedding hangover means or is defined as a term used for the fatigue that can happen due to the endless and enormous activities during the wedding. Some weddings are very exuberant, making the couple as well as all family members tired of the wedding festivities. Wedding Face: Wedding face means or is defined as the facial expression on the faces of the bride and groom, full of radiance and happiness. Though sometimes it can also be that of nervousness and cold feet. Wedding Crashers: Wedding crashers means or is defined as a term used to describe people who show up uninvited to a wedding just for free food. Such a concept is widespread, and almost nobody minds a few wedding crashers as long as they behave. Wedding Flowers Wedding flowers means or is defined as flowers that are used to decorate the venue of the ceremonies. Mostly different colors of roses are used as roses are long considered to be a symbol of love, but other flowers are also used in the arrangements. Wedding Finger: Wedding finger means or is defined as the finger on which a man and woman wear their wedding ring. It has a particular significance, and each culture has its norms and superstitions related to this. Wedding Season: Wedding season means or is defined as the most popular time of the year when most couples get married, which can slightly vary every year. Late summers and early fall are the best months for marriage due to more comfortable weather for outdoor venues. Wedding Invitation And Greeting Card: Wedding invitation means or is defined as a formal request that is either hand delivered by a family member or mailed to friends and family to ask for their esteemed presence at a wedding ceremony of matrimony. These days it is becoming extraordinarily extravagant, and many couples come out with really innovative ideas to design their wedding invitations. Wedding Wishlist And Registry: Wedding wishlist or registry means or is defined as a list of items that couples who are about to get married let other people know what they want as wedding gifts. Guests can easily pick the items that suit their budget and the newlywed end up getting something that they genuinely need. Wedding Weight: Wedding weight means or is defined as the pounds or kilograms gained by either or both spouses after getting married. The main reason for gaining weight after marriage is due to happiness and more relaxed thinking of not having to impress anyone else since they are already taken. Wedding Albums: Wedding pictures and videos means or is defined as pictures or videos that are usually taken by a professional photographer hired for that job. Such photos and videos work as a way to remember the big day that goes down memory lane. Shotgun Wedding: Shotgun wedding means or is defined as a wedding that happens all of a sudden, mainly because the woman is pregnant or due to some urgent circumstances. Such marriages are usually decided on the same day or the day before the actual wedding day and are generally short in terms of the actual wedding ceremonies. White Wedding: White wedding means or is defined as a wedding at which the woman who is going to get married wears a white dress. This terminology is most common in western cultures. Church Wedding: Church wedding means or is defined as a wedding ceremony that takes place in a church and is performed by the minister or priest. It has more religious and spiritual content than civil or entertainment content as well as the overall theme, making it more holy and sacred. Temple Wedding: Temple wedding means or is defined as a wedding ceremony that takes place in a temple and is performed by the minister or priest. It has more religious and spiritual content than civil or entertainment content as well as the overall theme, making it more holy and sacred. DIY Wedding: DIY or do it yourself weddings means or is defined as weddings in which the couple makes all the arrangements, without hiring a professional wedding planner or vendors. This includes everything from decorating the venue to the last time on the menu, and doing everything yourself with help from friends and family. Proxy Wedding Or Marriage: Proxy wedding or proxy marriage means or is defined as a wedding in which either the bride or groom or both that are going to be united are not physically present, generally being represented by someone else. If both partners are absent, then it is called a double proxy wedding or a double proxy marriage. Bride: Bride means or is defined as a woman who is about to get married to a man. The woman remains a bride only between the period that lasts from the time the wedding date has been finalized and the actual wedding ceremony. Groom: Groom means or is defined as a man who is about to get married to a woman. The man remains a groom only between the period that lasts from the time the wedding date has been finalized and the actual wedding ceremony. Newlyweds: Newlyweds means or is defined as two people who have recently entered into a marriage. The period during which a married couple can be called newlywed varies from culture to culture, but it could typically last for up to five years into the marriage. Asking Someone’s Hand In Marriage: Asking someone’s hand in marriage means or is defined as permission that a man seeks from a woman or her parents to get married to her. It is customary in most religions and societies for a man to ask the woman’s hand in marriage before getting engaged. Wedding Anniversary: Wedding anniversary means or is defined as a yearly celebration on the day on which two people were married. It comes once every year and is often celebrated with a lot of joy and happiness as it marks one more year of leading a married life. Silver Wedding Anniversary: Silver Wedding means or is defined as the day when people celebrate 25 years of marriage. It is often celebrated with a lot of enthusiasm and love for one another. Golden Wedding Anniversary: Golden Wedding means or is defined as the day when people celebrate 50 years of marriage. It is often celebrated with a lot of enthusiasm and love for one another. Ruby Wedding Anniversary: Ruby wedding means or is defined as the day when people celebrate 40 years of marriage. It is often celebrated with a lot of enthusiasm and love for one another. Platinum Wedding Anniversary: Platinum wedding means or is defined as the day when people celebrate 70 years of marriage. It is often celebrated with a lot of enthusiasm and love for one another.
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