Marriage Vs Wedding
Main Points Of Differences And Distinctions Between Marriage And Wedding
Following are some of the main points of differences and distinctions between marriage and wedding A marriage is a long-term committed relationship between two people; whereas, a wedding is a ceremony in which two people officially get married to each other. A marriage technically starts right after the wedding ceremony; whereas, a wedding is the means by which two people get married to each other. A marriage never ends unless it is dissolved in a court of law by getting a divorce or if nullified or if one of the two people dies; whereas, a wedding lasts anywhere from a day to a few days of festivities and rituals. A marriage is an institution of the union of two people; whereas, a wedding is a way by which that union is formed. A marriage is more like a personal relationship between two people; whereas, a wedding is more like a social event that is celebrated with friends and family of both sides.
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