Love Marriage Or Modern Marriage
Love Marriage Or Modern Marriage Is Solely Based Out Of Pure Love And Romance That Exists Between Two People Who Are About To Get Married To Each Other
What Is The Meaning Or Definition Of Love Marriage Or Modern Marriage: Love marriage is a marriage in which two individuals of the opposite sex like or love each other and get married with or without the consent or permission of their parents or families. There is no clear-cut definition of love marriage. Different people in different cultures may define it slightly differently. It is usually used to describe a marriage that took place because of the sole decision of the two people in question. The main reason for marriage as the term suggests is love between the two people involved. The Term Love Marriage Is Mostly Used In Asian Countries: Love marriage is a term that is used mostly in Asia and the Middle East. It is predominantly used in South Asian countries such as India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, and Bangladesh. It is also used in the middle eastern countries where it is banned for the most part. In the western countries in the Americas and Europe, a marriage by default would be a love marriage. Hence, the term love marriage is not used in the western part of the world. People who have migrated from the east to the west are also rapidly changing their lifestyles to get more westernized. In fact, many people migrate from small towns to big cities just so that they can get married to whomever they like. Love In A Marriage Is Not The Same As Dating: Love marriages are known to break all sorts of barriers such as class, caste, community, culture, and religion. These marriages are considered socially unacceptable for the most part. It is often seen in a negative light and is often looked down in rural areas. It is regarded as an opposition of the younger generation to the wishes of the older generation. It can also be seen as a generational divide. Love And Marriage Become Better Together: Love marriages are becoming the new standard in the new world. It is a growing movement. Things are not so bad in urban areas where society is more open and modern. It still is banned in many Islamic cultures where it is completely forbidden, and there can be severe penalties and punishments for being part of a love marriage. Love Should Be The Gold Standard In A Marriage: Love marriages are becoming more and more common, especially in urban areas. Things are changing mainly due to the influence of western culture. People are getting educated and want to take their own decisions in most essential areas of their life, especially marriage. Even society and the community, in general, are becoming more and more open and receptive to this new trend. It is no longer seen as a taboo. Love In Marriage Is a Crucial Element: Love marriages are picking up pace. There is slow but steady growth in the number of couples who select their spouse. This movement is only going to increase in the coming years. Technology is one of the most important reasons for this change as it is rapidly bridging the gaps between different parts of the world and thereby making the world a smaller and more connected place than ever before in history. Regardless of the culture or geographic location, the civil union of a man and woman should come out of love and only love. There can be other reasons, but love should be the main reason to get into holy matrimony.
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