Boi Person Meaning Definition
“Boi Person” is also sometimes referred to as “Boi” in short, or “Boi Trans” as a synonym, as some other forms
What Is The Meaning Or Definition Of Boi: The term “boi” is used for a person who may identify as masculine-of-center and wishes to use this term as a point of reference to their masculinity outside of the cis-ness, and is a term originating predominantly in the black community. Boi is a term used primarily within the LGBT and butch or femme communities in reference to a person's sexual and gender identity. In the lesbian communities, there is an increasing acceptance of gender expression and intersexuality, and also letting people identify themselves with labels such as boi. The term boi may also be used in the gay community to refer to a younger bisexual or gay who may have womanish characteristics. The term boi can also be used by anybody who wants to differentiate themselves from belonging to heterosexual or heteronormative identities. The term boi may also refer to a person who is born as a female or in the female body, sometimes as a transsexual, transgender, or intersex, but not always fully identify as feminine, female, a girl, or a woman. The term boi also almost always identifies as lesbians, dykes, or queers. Many boi are also genderqueer or even practice genderfuck. Some bois may prefer normal pronouns such as "he", "she", or gender-neutral pronouns such as "hir", "sie", "zie", and "ey". The term boi has found increasing usage in the larger LGBT culture.
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