Autosexual Autosexuality Meaning Definition
“Autosexual” is also sometimes referred to as “Auto” in short, or “Autosexuality” as a synonym, or “Auto-Sexual” with a hyphen, or “Auto Sexual” with a space, as some other forms.
What Is The Meaning Or Definition Of Autosexual / Autosexuality: The term “autosexual” is derived from “auto,” which means “oneself,” and “sexual,” which means “related to sex,” hence, “auto-sexual” literally means “sexual attraction or interest in oneself.” The term “autosexual” or “autosexuality” is used to describe people who experience sexual and romantic as well as emotional and aesthetic attraction towards themselves, feeling sexually aroused without an external stimulus. People who identify themselves as autosexual like to be intimate with themselves by engaging in activities such as self-stimulation and masturbation instead of being intimate with a partner. However, someone’s desire to merely engage in sexual behavior such as masturbation does not make them autosexual. Autosexuality is a sexual orientation geared toward oneself, that is, preferring self-gratification through means of internal stimuli over other forms of traditional sexual activities, and such people do not feel sexual attraction towards others. Autosexual people can still have meaningful romantic relationships with the only difference being that they prefer to be in their own company in the bedroom instead of their romantic partner. An autosexual person finds themselves so sexually attractive that they feel no need for anyone else to satisfy them sexually because they feel nobody can satisfy them as completely as they can themselves. Autosexual people face a significant amount of difficulty in responding to someone else in a sexual manner, but they can respond pretty well to their own intimacy to themselves. Autosexuals may be sexually attracted to others, but they usually only respond to their own touch in a sexual way. Some people may convert into being autosexual as a direct result of multiple failed romantic relationships, making them become autosexual instead of facing disappointment or frustration again. Autosexuals may get turned on merely by looking at themselves in the mirror, by fantasizing about their looks bodies, and having thoughts about having sex with themselves, and even thinking about marrying themselves. Something that needs to be noted is that autosexuals find themselves attractive because they are simply attracted to themselves as in self-love, and not because they think they look sexy. Autosexuality is more prevalent in men than in women. Most women desire someone to complete them, but men don’t feel that way. Autoerotic / Autoeroticism: The term “autoerotic” or “autoeroticism” is used to describe the practice of becoming sexually stimulated through internal stimuli. It is the concept of instant sexual gratification in the absence of an external stimulus, directly or indirectly, from another person. The terms autoeroticism and masturbation are often used interchangeably because the most used autoerotic activity is masturbation, but they are not synonymous because not all autoerotic activities are masturbatory. Some examples of autoeroticism are erotic daydreams, and sexual arousal due to stimuli such as music, scenery, etc.
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