Types And Kinds Of Heartbreaks And Breakups
Ultimate Guide To The Most Awesome Importance And Amazing Significance Of Types And Kinds Of Heartbreaks And Breakups
Types And Kinds Of Heartbreaks: Heartbreak-o-phobic: Heartbreak-o-phobic means or is defined as a person who is phobic or afraid of getting hurt in a romantic relationship. Such a person is afraid of proposing to anyone due to the fear of rejection, and also of being in a relationship and then later getting dumped or being cheated on by their partner. Heartbreak Delay: Heartbreak delay means or is defined as when your heart is already broken by someone you are madly in love with, but you just don't realize it until it finally happens. In some deep relationships, there is a period of being in denial, and it sometimes takes time to accept that everything is officially over. Heartbreak Soldier: Heartbreak soldier means or is defined as someone who fights for their love right until their last breath and never gives up on the person they genuinely love. Such drastic actions and sincere dedication may finally lead to a patch-up, or it may just make things a lot worse for them. Heartbreak Lies: Heartbreak lies means or is defined as lies that a person says to break someone’s heart. They admit their love or feelings were all fake and that they never truly loved that person, making it one of the worst ways to hurt someone emotionally. Heartbreak Stare: Heartbreak stare means or is defined as the cold look of surprise that someone gives when a person that they loved so much walks out on them. It takes a while for the person to put their thoughts together and accept what just happened. Heartbreak Girl: Heartbreak girl means or is defined as a girl who goes to one of her male friends to get a shoulder to cry on right after her heart is broken. Such a situation is vulnerable to having a rebound relationship, something that everyone must be careful about. Heartbreak Guy: Heartbreak guy means or is defined as a guy who goes to one of his female friends to get a shoulder to cry on right after his heart is broken. Such a situation is vulnerable to having a rebound relationship, something that everyone must be careful about. Types And Kinds Of Breakups: Breakup Text: Breakup text means or is defined as a text that one sends to inform the other person about their decision to break up. It is an easy and convenient way, but a highly insensitive or cowardly way to end a relationship without having to face someone in person. Breakup Sex: Breakup sex means or is defined as when the couple has already agreed to break up their relationship but has mutually decided to have sex for the last time. Such an experience can be both heartbreaking as well as painful, especially if there are residual feelings. Breakup Date: Breakup date means or is defined as the last time that a couple goes out on a date before ending their relationship. It could also be a date when one of the partners is going to announce their decision or wish to end things. Breakup Party: Breakup party means or is defined as a slumber party with a few close friends in which somebody who just had a breakup takes out all their frustration about their ex and lets all their emotions out by pouring their heart out. There are a lot of tears and also some occasional waves of laughter. Breakup Face: Breakup face means or is defined as the surprised look on someone’s face when a person that they loved so much walks all over them. It takes some time for things to sink in and accept the heartbreaking reality. Breakup Hangover: Breakup hangover means or is defined as the feeling that one gets the morning after they go through a heartbreaking breakup of a long relationship. It usually takes anywhere from a few days to at least a few weeks, if not more, to get over a breakup. Breakup Blues: Breakup blues means or is defined as the sadness that one feels after going through a breakup. It is usually felt by one or both partners and is characterized by a lot of grief, crying, blame game, feeling rejected, losing appetite, overeating, etc. Breakup Diet: Breakup diet means or is defined as the diet that one follows right after breaking up with their loved one. Some people tend to lose a significant amount of weight by not eating anything at all, while some others end up eating a lot and thereby gaining a lot of weight. Breakup Buddy: Breakup buddy means or is defined as a person who helps in making the right decision to break up and then also helps in getting over the relationship. Such a person is supposed to give the right kind of advice and support in going through all phases of the breakup. It is possible that the person may have ulterior motives in facilitating the breakup. One must be very careful in getting mislead by a close confidante. This person may also lend their shoulder to cry on after the breakup. It is also possible that they end up having sex just to comfort and ease the pain. Breakup Baggage: Breakup baggage means or is defined as any kind of residual feelings that still exists from a previous romantic relationship that does not exist anymore. Such negative feelings or sadness are usually transferred to a new relationship, making things not so pleasant for either partner. Breakup Heads-up: Breakup head-up means or is defined as giving a hint to a partner that a potential breakup may be on the horizon. Doing so prepares the other person to expect that the relationship may be coming to an end in the near future. Temporary Breakup: Temporary breakup means or is defined as a short break to think if both people wish to continue the relationship or end things. It gives both people time to think over without rushing into a hasty decision. Break Up Break Down: Break-up break-down means or is defined as the mental collapse that may happen right after breaking up a long relationship. It is essential to get a lot of family support, especially if the breakup is against your wishes.
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