Stages Of A Breakup And Heartbreak
Stages Of A Breakup And Heartbreak Or Separation And Divorce Are The Phases That A Couple Goes Through While Ending A Committed Relationship Or Marriage
Different Stages Or Phases Of A Breakup And Heartbreak Or Separation And Divorce: From a break-up to break-through, the following are the stages that one goes through when a romantic relationship breaks up or a marriage ends up in a divorce: Shock: The primary stage of a breakup is a state of shock. Higher the surprise factor, the more considerable the excitement. You may feel as if you are frozen. You may even become speechless for quite some time. Denial: Next, you will move into a feeling of denial. It will take some time for your brain to accept that it’s over entirely. Your mind will intuitively think that all this is temporary and things will be back to normal soon. You refuse to accept the facts by staying delusional and behaving as if nothing has even happened. Vulnerability: All events will lead to vulnerability. You just went through a significant loss, and you are in desperate need of someone to comfort you. This makes you an open target for other new romantic interests. You may get involved with someone new only to quickly realize that it was a mistake. Anger: Slowly anger will set in. You will feel frustrated about all the time and energy that went to waste. You may repent for making some mistakes as well. The anger and frustration will be both towards yourself and the other person. Hurt: There will be tremendous feelings of hurt. You had built your small little world with someone. Now that life and those dreams have been shattered. You will feel hurt and betrayed by someone you trusted. Shame: There may be feelings of embarrassment. You may get upset with yourself and the other person. Your self-worth and self-esteem will be at an all-time low. There may also be feelings of worthlessness with a total loss of confidence in yourself. Acceptance: A time will come when you will fully accept it. This is the beginning of a new chapter in your life. You will finally turn the page and start looking forward. Your mind and body willfully agree what has happened and will grieve the loss. Healing: Next, the healing process will start. You will make small leaps and bounds to get over your ex finally. You will learn to live without them in your life. There will slow and steady movement from being hopeless to being hopeful of a bright future ahead. Non-existence: This is the final stage in the breakup cycle. This is a two-step process. First, find compassion and kindness for your ex by forgiving them as it is indispensable not to hold any grudges against anyone. Second, remove all feelings of love or hate for the other person as both will make to keep clinging on to the other person. Other Stages Of A Breakup And Heartbreak: The above is just a generalized lifecycle of breaking up a romantic relationship. There can be other stages. There can also be other feelings, such as anxiety, nervousness, worry, stress, tension, and fear. There may also be a lot of tears and crying involved. There may even be signs of shaking, dizziness, and even a total nervous breakdown. The main reason is that all the great feeling of love and affection has now been transformed into heartbreak.
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