Types And Kinds Of Friends And Acquaintances
Ultimate Guide To The Most Awesome Importance And Amazing Significance Of Types And Kinds Of Friends And Acquaintances
Types And Kinds Of Friends: Romantic Friendship: Romantic or passionate or affectionate friendship means or is defined as a close relationship between two friends, which may or may not be sexual. It often involves at least some level of emotional and physical closeness such as holding hands, kissing, hugging, cuddling, or making out. Performative Friendship: Performative friendship means or is defined as a friendship that is mostly involved with making a person look good in society. A performative friend is someone who promotes their friend online or on social media. Friendship Goals: Friendship goals means or is defined as goals like in any kind of relationship between two or more people. They usually consist of things like traveling together or simply spending time together by going out for dinners, movies, etc. Friendship Gape: Friendship gape means or is defined as a friend that one becomes emotionally attached to and the one they really want to be part of their life. It is purely platonic, but may also be romantic if there are feelings involved. Friendship Graveyard: Friendship graveyard means or is defined as the state of being friends with an attractive woman. It is a stage of a relationship when men wait for the woman to accept them as their romantic partner, spouse, lover, boyfriend, or husband. Friendship Test: Friendship test means or is defined as a test that is used to test the validity of a friendship. The friendship ceases to exist if the other person fails to perform the required task, but that may not always be the case. Friendship Barrier: Friendship barrier means or is defined as a kind of deceptive roadblock that prohibits one friend from asking out another friend to go out on a date as there is a risk of adversely affecting their friendship. Things can get very complicated when there are feelings between two friends of the opposite sex. Friendship Betrayal: Friendship betrayal means or is defined as when a person does something to their friend that amounts to breaking their trust. One of the essential elements of any friendship is trust, and it should not be broken at any cost. Friendship Time Out: Friendship time out means or is defined as a time out that is called to cool off things while having a heated argument. It lasts only for a very short time until everyone has cooled down and forgotten about what the heck just happened. Good Friends: Good friends means or is defined as friends who are loyal and nonjudgmental, and they stick with their friends in good as well as bad times. Good friends are known to be very honest and trustworthy, making them a precious asset. Great Friends: Great friends means or is defined as friends who are incredibly reliable and faithful, and they are always available for their friends regardless of the circumstances. Great friends are known to be dependable and devoted, making them a very precious asset. Fast Friends: Fast friends means or is defined as friends who are very emotional and sensitive, and they like to spend as much time together as possible as they enjoy each other’s company. Fast friends are also known to be very attached and adoring, making them a precious possession. Best Friends: Best friends means or is defined as friends who are incredibly unwavering and steadfast, and they can go out of their way and can do almost anything for their friends. Best friends are also known to be like a soulmate and partners, making them a very precious possession. Old Friends: Old friends means or is defined as friends who know each other for a very long time, at least a few years if not decades. They tend to know each other quite well and usually get along very well even if they don’t see each other that frequently. New Friends: New friends means or is defined as friends who recently became friends, since the last few days or months at the most. They don’t know each other that well and are still in the process of solidifying their friendship by meeting more often. True Friends: True friends means or is defined as friends who are honest and authentic in every sense of the word. They stand by next to each other at all times and can be trusted with a closed eye because of their unwavering support and affection. Real Friends: Real friends means or is defined as friends who are genuine, without any fake emotions or feelings. They stick next to each other in good and bad times and are known to provide moral support and the sense of just being there for each other. Social Friends: Social friends means or is defined as friends who get together on social occasions or parties or the ones who go out along at social events or gatherings. Such friends are not considered personal friends because of a lack of personal information, making them more than mere acquaintances but much less than actual friends. Super Friends: Super friends means or is defined as friends who are always on your side and would go to any length for the well-being of each other. A super friend is considered a notch above a good or a great friend. Adult Friends: Adult friends means or is defined as simply friends who are grown-up adults, meaning they are no longer teenagers. Adult friends should not be confused with any kind of adult or sexual connotation because that is something totally different. Just Friends: Just friends means or is defined as friends who are supposed to be in a relationship but are not really in a real romantic relationship due to a lack of attraction or feelings. They share some emotions and feelings, but not to the extent of full-fledged lovers. Online Friends: Online friends means or is defined as people who are strictly friends online only in the virtual world via one of the social media or chat platforms. They usually keep in touch in a virtual environment via text, voice, or video call, with a complete absence of real-life meetings. Offline Friends: Offline friends means or is defined as people who are strictly friends offline in the real world with or without the involvement of a social media or chat platform. They tend to keep in touch in the real environment via getting face-to-face, with or without online communications. Platonic Friends: Platonic friends means or is defined as strict friends who are purely spiritual and without any romantic sexual aspect attached to them. Such people are guys and girls who hang out with each other without being each other’s boyfriend or girlfriend, with a complete lack of romantic or sexual attraction or engagement. Girl Friends: Girl friends means or is defined as friends who are girls, of a girl or a boy. Such friends are non-romantic and non-sexual, and as such a girl friend should not be confused with the term girlfriend, which refers to a relationship. Boy Friends: Boy friends means or is defined as friends who are boys, of a girl or a boy. Such friends are non-romantic and non-sexual, and as such a boy friend should not be confused with the term boyfriend, which refers to a relationship. Travel Friends: Travel friends means or is defined as two or more people who get together for traveling together as a group to different cities and countries. Such people may or may not be friends apart from when they are traveling together. Work Friends: Work friends means or is defined as people who work or used to work in the same office or workplace. Work friends are known to be friends for a long time because they started their friendship in their workplace and went through a lot of work-related experiences together. Gym Friends: Gym friends means or is defined as people who exercise or used to exercise in the same gym or fitness facility. Gym friends are known to be friends for a long time because they started their friendship in a gym while working out and went through a lot of fitness-related experiences together. College Friends: College friends means or is defined as people who are in or went to, the same college. College friends are known to be friends for a lifetime because they start their friendship while they were still teenagers and went through a lot of teenage experiences together. School Friends: School friends means or is defined as people who are in, or went to, the same school. School friends are known to be friends for a lifetime because they start their friendship while they were still growing up and went through a lot of childhood experiences together. E-Friend: E-friend means or is defined as something that happens in the digital world, that is through online chat or social media. The association is strictly online, and the two people have never met each other in person. Fair-weather Friend: Fair-weather friend means or is defined as someone who only wants to be friends with someone in good times when things are going well for them. They generally part ways in bad times when times are turbulent. More Than Friends: More than friends means or is defined as two people of the opposite sex who have mutual romantic or sexual feelings and attraction for one another, with or without any commitment. They are more than just friends and perhaps fall short of being labeled as boyfriend and girlfriend in a romantic relationship. Friend Zone: Friend zoned means or is defined as an unfortunate situation in which one of the two people in a friendship wishes to enter into a romantic or sexual relationship, while the other does not have any such interest, and hence friend zones the one who does. It is usually considered to be an unfortunate situation as this is just another way to reject someone who has a romantic interest. Friends Circle: Friends circle means or is defined as a group of people that one is friends with, socially or otherwise. It is also sometimes called the inner circle, in which case it means a group of very close and trusted friends. Friend Soulmate: Friend soulmate means or is defined as just like romantic soulmates. The only difference is that there are no feelings of romance or sex, just a profound wish to always be there with a friend under all circumstances as if there is a spiritual connection. Friend Flirting: Friend flirting means or is defined as flirting with a friend with or without any kind of romantic intention. It could amount to real flirting, or it could just be a playful way to tease a friend without any sort of romantic feelings or interest in them. Friend Divorce: Friend divorce means or is defined as when someone disowns or denounces their friend after something big happens. It leads to the ending of the friendship, just like a divorce, but it is not uncommon for friends to have major fights and then come around at a later point in life. Friend Crush: Friend crush means or is defined as experiencing an extreme desire to befriend someone they really don't know very well. This is very similar to a romantic crush, but without romantic feelings, one just adores someone so well that they want to be their friend. Frenemies: Frenemies means or is defined as people who is a friend and also an enemy of the same person. They pretend to be their friend but secretly wish for their worse or cause them harm. Such people look for opportunities to put other people down or embarrass them in public. They are usually jealous and look for ways to make themselves look superior. They are the ones who won’t shy away from stabbing in the back. They are a combination of a friend and an enemy in one person. Types And Kinds Of Acquaintances: Acquaintanceship: Acquaintanceship means or is defined as similar to friendship, but different in the level of closeness. Two people are acquaintances of each other, and they are neither strangers nor friends.
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