Tips For Making Good Friends
10 Tips For Making Good Friends That Are Close For Possible Friendship Or Relationship
Following is the full list of ten top most tips for making good friends that are close for possible friendship or relationship: # Request Information: Whenever you meet a new person that you want to be good friends with, make a habit of asking for their essential contact information so that the relationship can continue to the next step. Without any contact info, there would be no way for either party to transform the first meeting into a friendship. Getting contact info such as phone numbers or email addresses is very easy, but it can pave a path forward for a bond. The good thing is that we now all have a phone in our pockets, making it easy for us to take notes or whatever we want when we bump into an interesting person that we wish to be friends with. # Request Introductions: If there are people in your extended network that you want to be good friends with, then simply ask one of your friends to introduce you to them. Sometimes you have to be bold and outright shameless when it comes to asking for introductions, and there is nothing wrong with it if doing that potentially earns a new good friend. Such people are pre-vetted people, meaning you can trust them from the very beginning and that itself should be a significant relief for most people. Even with the popularity of so many online platforms, the old traditional way of hooking up with other people through your friends and relatives is still the most effortless way of making new relationships and possibly more. # Follow Ups: We all come across a lot of great people who can be our good friends, but we lose touch with them just because we forget to follow up with them. Almost everyone that you run into is already busy in their own lives, and they are probably not going to make an extra step to keep in touch with you. So So when you hang out with people just once and then lose track, develop a habit of sending notes so that you stay fresh in their minds. To make new relationships, you need to follow up once in a while without making too many efforts so that you can spend more time together. # Rediscover Passion: Once you start participating in new activities, you will get the opportunities to meet people and it will make you far more attractive to potential good friends and dates. When two people are passionate about the exact same thing, then they connect at a must deeper level for a possible relationship that can go way beyond ordinary friendship. As people go through the aging process, they somehow start losing or perhaps ignoring the passions that they once possessed. What you need to do is discover new passions and rediscover the ones that you missed over the years, both will help you connect with many new people for possible friendships without making too many efforts. # Say Yes: It is almost effortless to say yes to people who invite you to hang out, but it can open many new doors to connect with many new people like good friends. Saying no all the time will push you into a corner, isolating you from the rest of the world. So even if you feel that you have to go out of your comfort zone, try to accept invites to hook up with new groups of people. A simple yes has the potential to put you across as a person with whom you can have a lifelong relationship, and no one will make you miss out on the same life-changing possibility. # Go Out: Going out more often is almost effortless, and then connecting with people as good friends is easy even if you engage in small talks with a variety of new people. So get out into the world and put yourself out there, just so that you can hook up with new people for a possible relationship and maybe more. Sometimes all you need to do to hook up with people is step out, then leave it to your destiny about who you run into when you are out. One can't expect to meet the next love of their life by staying indoors, and you got to go out, and only then there is a chance for you to bump into someone special. # Get Offline: The best way to make good friends effortlessly is by using online to get offline, meaning, using online tools to make the initial connections and then taking things offline by meeting people in person. It is effortless these days to hook up with new people with just a few clicks, then it will be entirely up to you where you take those relationships to. Having thousands of online friends can never mean the same thing as the quality of one real face-to-face friend that you can actually count on in real life. Social networking and dating sites are great to make that initial connection, making that connection meaningful would be entirely up to you. # Have Hobbies: Once you can know your interests and start pursuing those interests actively, you will automatically make good friends without any effort. Relationships that are formed around hobbies are known to last longer, and they can also lead to more than just a friend. So pursue your hobbies by joining different classes and engaging in various types of activities, just doing that will expose you to many new people who are passionate about the same things. Simply make a plan to dedicate a few hours every week to doing something you like, and new relationships will follow on their own as long as what you are doing involves being with other people. # Networking Events: Most networking events are not just for networking, they are also meant to mingle with good friends with ease for forming possible new relationships. The good thing about networking events is that you are going to meet other people from your own profession, making it an excellent opportunity to share work-related experiences. It is a known fact that people naturally bond with other people who do the same thing for a living, just because their lives revolve around doing the same kind of things. Make sure to small talk with people while you are at these events, and exchange contact or personal information so that you can stay connected. # Physical Fitness: We all tend to ignore our physical fitness because it requires making a lot of effort, but it is something that everyone should do if they want to stay healthy as well as make good friends. Joining physical fitness clubs or a gym and going there regularly, other regulars will notice you and soon there will be someone who will approach you. If you genuinely want to improve your health, then you can improve your physical state by going to a gym and your mental state by making new friends. So it should be a win-win for almost everyone, having good health along with forming new relationships who also value staying in good shape.
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