
Sexual Fluidity Meaning Definition

Sexual Fluidity Represents One’s Own Sexuality Which Is Fluid Or Dynamic Instead Of Fixed Or Static As It Constantly Evolves Depending On The Circumstances Towards Specific Genders And Sex

What Is The Meaning Or Definition Of Sexual Fluidity: Sexual fluidity or sexually fluid is almost like living a label-free life or sexually fluid life, promoting the notion that sexuality can be an ever-changing and growing characteristic. Each person’s experience with sexual fluidity can be radically different, some people's sexuality may change from day to day, or from season to season, or from relationship to relationship, and it needs to be noted that sexually fluid people may also use other labels to describe themselves, and one or more of those labels may also change over time. It is important to note that sexual orientation can be fluid as they change over time, and that is the reason why so many people identify with different orientations at different stages of their lives. The sexuality of a person can change throughout someone’s life and in different situations. Hence, sexuality is perceived to be a spectrum instead of a series of mutually exclusive categories. Sexual orientation is usually supposed to be consistent and not likely to change for most people, but for some people, it may vary, and this is more likely to occur in women than in men. Sexual identity of a person may change throughout an individual's lifetime, and it may or may not align with that person's biological sex or actual sexual orientation. It's normal to question your own current sexual orientation, and then later to identify with something different than what you were before. Who your sexual or romantic partner is at any given point in time doesn’t necessarily mean that it will forever remain that way. Sexual orientation ranges along a continuum, all the way from exclusive attraction to the opposite sex, to exclusive attraction to the same sex, or both, or neither, and this is why a lot of people choose not to put a label on their own sexual orientation. Sexual identities are so complex and fluid that it can be tough to easily explain or describe by just using one label or word.

Date Posted/Updated On: 11-16-2024
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