Libragender Liberatinggender Meaning Definition
“Libragender” is also sometimes referred to as “Libra” in short, or “Liberating Gender” as a synonym, or “Libra-Gender” with a hyphen, or “Libra Gender” with a space, as some other forms
What Is The Meaning Or Definition Of Libragender Gender: The term “libragender” is derived from “libra,” which means “liberating,” and “gender,” which means “related to gender,” hence, “libragender” literally means “feeling of a gender that is liberating.” The term “libragender” is a gender identity that mostly feels agender, but has a strong feeling of being some gender, and it gives the person a feeling of liberation as they feel like they possess a gender. Librafeminine is a gender identity where a person feels little connection to being feminine or female, but mostly agender; it is similar to demigirl, but is more specific as it's agender and female, where agender overshadows female gender, while demigirl is partially female and partially some other genders. Libramasculine is a gender identity where a person feels little connection to being masculine or male, but mostly agender; it is similar to demiboy, but is more specific, as it's agender and male, where agender overshadows male gender, while demiboy is partially male and partially some other genders. Librafluid is a gender identity that is mostly agender, but has a strong affiliation that fluctuates between other genders; it is similar to genderfluid, but with the quality that it is mostly agender.
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