
LGBTTQQIAAP Full Form Meaning Definition

LGBTTQQIAAP Full Form = Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender Transexual Queer Questioning Intersex Asexual Ally Pansexual

What Is The Meaning Or Definition Of LGBTTQQIAAP: L = Lesbian (women who are attracted to other women) G = Gay (people who are attracted to same sex) B = Bisexual (people who are attracted to both sex) T = Transgender (people who identify themselves as the opposite sex than the gender assigned at birth) T = Transexual (people who identify themselves as the opposite sex than the gender assigned at birth and has undergone a surgical procedure to change their genitals) Q = Queer (people who are self-affirming) Q = Questioning (people who are still questioning their gender identification and which gender they are attracted to) I = Intersex (people who have any combinations of either biological reproductive systems, such as gonads, chromosomes, genitals etc.) A = Asexual / Aromantic (people who do not feel sexually or romantically attracted to anyone) A = Ally (people who are straight, a cisgender person but support the LGBTTQQIAAP community) P = Pansexual (people are attracted to anyone of any gender or sexual orientation)

Date Posted/Updated On: 11-16-2024
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