High Maintenance Woman Or Man
High Maintenance Woman Or Girl Or Man Or Guy In Relationship Or Marriage Are Hard To Maintain Or Sustain Because They Need A Lot Of Efforts And Money
What Is The Meaning Or Definition Of High Maintenance Woman Or Man: It is easy to start a new romantic relationship or get married. It is even easier to end it. What comes in between the beginning and the end of a relationship is the most challenging part. It is very tough to maintain a relationship because it is a challenge for any relationship to work in the long term. The maintenance of a relationship becomes many folds more difficult if it is a high-maintenance relationship. When we talk about a high-maintenance relationship, we mean at many different areas of life, but mainly at an emotional and financial level. Emotionally High Maintenance Woman Or Man: A relationship can be an emotionally high maintenance relationship when one partner takes no responsibility or initiative for their feelings of happiness, comfort, likability, lovability, security, and overall wellbeing. Here, one partner seeks constant attention and availability of their partner no matter what the circumstances are. Their hunger for love and affection never seems to be fulfilled. They also have a big appetite for intimacy as they continuously look for ways to have sex with their partner. They expect to get what they want in bed and when they want it. Toxic Elements In High Maintenance Woman Or Man: When such a partner doesn’t get what they want, things go south. They get agitated and start throwing tantrums. They somehow actually believe in their heart that they deserve all this and that it is the moral duty of their partner to provide all that they need. All this leads to a lot of nagging and whining. It doesn’t matter how much approval and time the other partner gives; they are never satisfied. They want more and more affection from their partner. They also need constant praise and compliments to have confidence in themselves. In this case, one partner becomes emotionally dependent on the other for every little happiness. Financially High Maintenance Woman Or Man: A relationship can be an economically high maintenance relationship when one partner takes no part in the financial well-being of themselves or the relationship as a whole. Here, one partner fully supports the other by being the only income generator. The demands of one partner are endless in spite of having no income of their own. They want all the luxuries in life and feel their partner should fulfill all their financial needs. Their shopping list is infinite, and they can never have enough mundane things in life. Never Ending Wishes In High Maintenance Woman Or Man: Their wishes for buying new things go on and on even though they have everything. One wish gets fulfilled, and another one is ready. It is almost impossible to make them feel satisfied. They also become overly sensitive about their looks and always want to look their best with the latest fashion and trends. For them, their hobbies and doing fun activities become very important. They are fully aware of the fact that they can’t afford any of these things but still feels it’s their right and privilege to get all that they want. In this case, one partner becomes dependent on the other for every material thing in life. High Maintenance Partner Or Lover Can Be A Husband, Wife, Boyfriend, Or Girlfriend: A high-maintenance relationship is not a very healthy relationship. If you think you are high-maintenance, you should do some introspection before things get ugly and you get abandoned. If you believe your partner is high-maintenance, talk to them to sort things out because no one deserves to be used no matter how deep their love is for the other person. A high-maintenance relationship is toxic and must be stopped as soon as possible before things become totally out of proportion.
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