Dependent Relationship
Dependent Relationship Or Marriage Is When One Of The Partners Becomes Totally Reliant On The Other For Almost Everything And That Can Sometimes Lead To A Very Unhealthy Situation
What Is The Meaning Or Definition Of Dependent Relationship: When we get into a long-term romantic relationship or marriage, our partner’s happiness takes precedence over our own. Our priorities change from our well-being to our partners'. After all, a relationship is a union of two souls. That is why we call them soul mates. All this is great, but there is a small caveat. We somehow get lost in our love so much that we tend to lose ourselves as an individual. We forget other areas of our lives that give us meaning and fulfillment. At some point, we become entirely dependent on our partners for everything. We even lose the purpose of our life as a person. All these things are hazardous and unhealthy. If you lose your partner due to any reason, your life will almost get crippled. This is why it is so important to have independence and autonomy in a relationship. How To Be Independent While Being Dependent: You should bond with your partner and make a life together, but at the same time, you should not forgo your independence. We all know that trust, honesty, faithfulness, loyalty, and connection are some of the essential traits of a stable relationship. What we forget is that independence in a relationship is equally important and often ignored. It is vital to have a good relationship with ourselves before we can shower our love on others. It Is Possible To Be Independent And Dependent At The Same Time: It is crucial that you feel independent and content with yourself. If you are happy with yourself, you will be more likely to share that happiness with others. If you know how to make yourself happy, you can apply the same methods to others to keep them happy as well. Your inner positivity and happiness will automatically seep into your relationship. The Connection Between Being Independent And Dependent: When we look inside ourselves as independent people and do the things that make us happy, it will keep our relationship thriving. Exploring your hobbies and interests will keep the person alive in you. Trying new things alone will boost your confidence. It will make you realize your self-worth and boost your confidence in yourself. All these are positive things that will help you make your partner happier. Sometimes Being Independent Leads To Being Dependent: When two independent, intense energies combine, they become twice as powerful as if they both were dependent on each other. If you and your partner are both independent by focusing on your professional and personal lives, you become more wholesome. When you combine two whole, you make a bigger wholesomeness. If you grow yourself as a person, you can make the same growth in your relationship as well. When More Independence Leads To Less Dependence: When we become more independent, we become less dependent on others. One of the primary sources of sadness is when we are let down by someone we love. When we don’t get what we expect from our partner, we feel disappointed. The best cure to this problem is to increase our independence and decrease our dependence or expectations of others. Become self-reliant with almost no expectations. When you feel independent, you won’t need your partner for happiness or even to get through the hurdles of life. At this point, having your partner would become more of a bonus rather than a necessity. Love And Respect Your First And Then Your Partner: The most important thing is that we should make our individuality and make our core strong. No one should be able to break or enter our true inner self. This is the true you, and no one should be able to alter it. It is paramount to love ourselves before we can shower the same onto others. We can't give others what we don’t have and what we can’t deliver to ourselves. Love should start inwards first, then outwards.
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