Impatience Quotes And Sayings

Quotes And Sayings About Impatience

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If a man, for private profit, tears at the public news, does so with the impatience of one who thinks he actually owns the news you get, it is against the national interest.
~By Jimmy Breslin ~

My worst quality is impatience.
~By Emma Thompson ~

Perhaps there is only one cardinal sin: impatience. Because of impatience we were driven out of Paradise, because of impatience we cannot return.
~By W. H. Auden ~

Patience is the art of concealing your impatience.
~By Guy Kawasaki ~

If public opinion still endorses military action that's one thing, but if they wait maybe it will not. So it's not only impatience, but there are several other factors.
~By Hans Blix ~

The three chief virtues of a programmer are: Laziness, Impatience and Hubris.
~By Larry Wall ~

Impatience translates itself into a desire to have something immediate done about it all, and, as is generally the case with impatience, resolves itself in the easiest way that lies ready to hand.
~By Edward Sapir ~

Three hundred years ago a prisoner condemned to the Tower of London carved on the wall of his cell this sentiment to keep up his spirits during his long imprisonment: 'It is not adversity that kills, but the impatience with which we bear adversity.
~By James Keller ~

Patience is the support of weakness; impatience the ruin of strength.
~By Charles Caleb Colton ~

Intuition is a suspension of logic due to impatience.
~By Rita Mae Brown ~

Impatience is the mark of independence, not of bondage.
~By Marianne Moore ~

No man is poor who does not think himself so. But if in a full fortune with impatience he desires more, he proclaims his wants and his beggarly condition.
~By Jeremy Taylor ~

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September 7 ,2024
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