Achievement Quotes And Sayings

Quotes And Sayings About Achievement

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Men's competitive team sports focus on the balance between individual achievement and team achievement with the emphasis on team achievement.
~By Warren Farrell ~

People seem to think that life began with the achievement of personal independence.
~By Katharine Anthony ~

The greatest achievement was at first and for a time a dream. The oak sleeps in the acorn, the bird waits in the egg, and in the highest vision of the soul a waking angel stirs. Dreams are the seedlings of realities.
~By James Allen ~

The achievements we forge in this place and in our nation will not be those of one person or one party.
~By Paul Martin ~

I don't know what makes someone hip. The goal is artist achievement and the best work we can do with no limitation.
~By Rick Rubin ~

The achievements which society rewards are won at the cost of diminution of personality.
~By Benjamin Jowett ~

Never mistake activity for achievement.
~By John Wooden ~

We cannot seek achievement for ourselves and forget about progress and prosperity for our community... Our ambitions must be broad enough to include the aspirations and needs of others, for their sakes and for our own.
~By Cesar Chavez ~

When science, art, literature, and philosophy are simply the manifestation of personality they are on a level where glorious and dazzling achievements are possible, which can make a man's name live for thousands of years.
~By Denis Diderot ~

Meanwhile, parents, students and teachers all report higher satisfaction with charter schools. People like them. They cost less money. They raise the academic achievement of poor kids. Go ahead, get a little enthused.
~By Maggie Gallagher ~

The achievements of an organization are the results of the combined effort of each individual.
~By Vince Lombardi ~

The greatest achievements of the human mind are generally received with distrust.
~By Arthur Schopenhauer ~

The important achievement of Apollo was demonstrating that humanity is not forever chained to this planet and our visions go rather further than that and our opportunities are unlimited.
~By Neil Armstrong ~

The biological factors underlying race differences in sports have consequences for educational achievement, crime and sexual behavior.
~By J. Philippe Rushton ~

When you're young, the silliest notions seem the greatest achievements.
~By Pearl Bailey ~

Not only will this make you treat each moment more preciously, but you will be more patient with yourself and with others, recognizing that there are millions of moments on the path to any worthwhile achievement.
~By Menachem Mendel Schneerson ~

The results indicate that heterogeneity of race and heterogeneity of family educational background can increase the achievement of children from weak educational backgrounds with no adverse effect on children from strong educational backgrounds.
~By James S. Coleman ~

Death comes to all, but great achievements build a monument which shall endure until the sun grows cold.
~By Ralph Waldo Emerson ~

The seven marvels that best represent man's achievements over the last 2,000 years will be determined by Internet vote... so look for Howard Stern's Private Parts to come in No. 1.
~By Jon Stewart ~

For unflagging interest and enjoyment, a household of children, if things go reasonably well, certainly all other forms of success and achievement lose their importance by comparison.
~By Theodore Roosevelt ~

Nuclear energy is the scientific achievement of the Iranian nation.
~By Mahmoud Ahmadinejad ~

Though men are apt to flatter and exalt themselves with their great achievements, yet these are, in truth, very often owing not so much to design as chance.
~By Francois de La Rochefoucauld ~

Simplicity is the final achievement. After one has played a vast quantity of notes and more notes, it is simplicity that emerges as the crowning reward of art.
~By Frederic Chopin ~

I find it hard to believe that human beings are the crowning achievement of life on earth. Something better than us has to come along.
~By Doug Coupland ~

Jazz is a music of great achievements but speed and chops serve a different function in jazz.
~By Marc Ribot ~

The final wisdom of life requires not the annulment of incongruity but the achievement of serenity within and above it.
~By Reinhold Niebuhr ~

In time of difficulties, we must not lose sight of our achievements.
~By Mao Tse Tung ~

Personal relationships are the fertile soil from which all advancement, all success, all achievement in real life grows.
~By Ben Stein ~

Liberalism regards life as an adventure in which we must take risks in new situation, in which there is no guarantee that the new will always be the good or the true, in which progress is a precarious achievement rather than inevitability.
~By Morris Raphael Cohen ~

My greatest achievement so far is that I've been able to continue with my normal life. I love what I do, but more so, I'm glad to have people who care about me close by.
~By Kim Smith ~

If you fear making anyone mad, then you ultimately probe for the lowest common denominator of human achievement.
~By Jimmy Carter ~

During the decades after Brown v. Board of Education there was terrific progress. Tens of thousands of public schools were integrated racially. During that time the gap between black and white achievement narrowed.
~By Jonathan Kozol ~

The United States is a giant island of freedom, achievement, wealth and prosperity in a world hostile to our values.
~By Phyllis Schlafly ~

Falsity cannot keep an idea from being beautiful; there are certain errors of such ingenuity that one could regret their not ranking among the achievements of the human mind.
~By Jean Rostand ~

Happiness does not lie in happiness, but in the achievement of it.
~By Fyodor Dostoevsky ~

The greatest achievement of the human spirit is to live up to one's opportunities and make the most of one's resources.
~By Marquis De Vauvenargues ~

Achievements, seldom credited to their source, are the result of unspeakable drudgery and worries.
~By Richard Wagner ~

The most important thing to strive for in life is some kind of personal and professional achievement. Not as a man or a woman, but as a person.
~By Candace Bushnell ~

It is not the clear-sighted who rule the world. Great achievements are accomplished in a blessed, warm fog.
~By Joseph Conrad ~

The educational resources provided by a child's fellow students are more important for his achievement than are the resources provided by the school board.
~By James S. Coleman ~

People really have to believe in their tax system. They have to believe that there is an equitable distribution of the burden, but there is also an important investment based upon the potential achievements that come from us paying our taxes.
~By Richard Neal ~

Chess is a sport. The main object in the game of chess remains the achievement of victory.
~By Max Euwe ~

Inspiration is an awakening, a quickening of all man's faculties, and it is manifested in all high artistic achievements.
~By Giacomo Puccini ~

Contemplation and wisdom are highest achievements and man is not totally at home with them.
~By Gabriel Marcel ~

You are Americans. You love this country. Together we are entrusted with the principles that represent mankind's greatest political and social achievement.
~By Paul Tsongas ~

Now the reason the enlightened prince and the wise general conquer the enemy whenever they move and their achievements surpass those of ordinary men is foreknowledge.
~By Sun Tzu ~

The most splendid achievement of all is the constant striving to surpass yourself and to be worthy of your own approval.
~By Denis Waitley ~

Achievement is not always success, while reputed failure often is. It is honest endeavor, persistent effort to do the best possible under any and all circumstances.
~By Orison Swett Marden ~

Those who improve with age embrace the power of personal growth and personal achievement and begin to replace youth with wisdom, innocence with understanding, and lack of purpose with self-actualization.
~By Bo Bennett ~

A poet or prose narrator usually looks back on what he has achieved against a backdrop of the years that have passed, generally finding that some of these achievements are acceptable, while others are less so.
~By Eyvind Johnson ~

The worth of a civilization or a culture is not valued in the terms of its material wealth or military power, but by the quality and achievements of its representative individuals - its philosophers, its poets and its artists.
~By Herbert Read ~

The failure of women to produce genius of the first rank in most of the supreme forms of human effort has been used to block the way of all women of talent and ambition for intellectual achievement.
~By Anna Garlin Spencer ~

Achievement results from work realizing ambition.
~By Adam Ant ~

Grades are almost completely relative, in effect ranking students relative to others in their class. Thus extra achievement by one student not only raises his position, but in effect lowers the position of others.
~By James S. Coleman ~

Democracy forever teases us with the contrast between its ideals and its realities, between its heroic possibilities and its sorry achievements.
~By Agnes Repplier ~

By any reasonable measure of achievement, the faith of the Enlightenment thinkers in science was justified.
~By E. O. Wilson ~

The salary of the chief executive of a large corporation is not a market award for achievement. It is frequently in the nature of a warm personal gesture by the individual to himself.
~By John Kenneth Galbraith ~

To have united the purposes of an entire Nation, is the great historical achievement of the man in whose strong hands our President has placed the fate of our people.
~By Gustav Krupp ~

What is the recipe for successful achievement? To my mind there are just four essential ingredients: Choose a career you love, give it the best there is in you, seize your opportunities, and be a member of the team.
~By Benjamin F. Fairless ~

Yale is a crucible in American life for the accommodation of intellectual achievement, of wisdom, of refinement, with the democratic ideals of openness, of social justice and of equal opportunity.
~By Benno C. Schmidt, Jr. ~

Coming to understand a painting or a symphony in an unfamiliar style, to recognize the work of an artist or school, to see or hear in new ways, is as cognitive an achievement as learning to read or write or add.
~By Nelson Goodman ~

With respect to the respective French and German traditions you are no doubt correct, although I am reluctant to see individual achievement reduced to archetypes.
~By Brian Ferneyhough ~

All personal achievement starts in the mind of the individual. Your personal achievement starts in your mind. The first step is to know exactly what your problem, goal or desire is.
~By W. Clement Stone ~

More than specific memories of achievements, for me I remember the feeling you get when you were just at your very best - when you felt like you were floating across the court and could put the ball wherever you wanted.
~By Guy Forget ~

Achievement of your happiness is the only moral purpose of your life, and that happiness, not pain or mindless self-indulgence, is the proof of your moral integrity, since it is the proof and the result of your loyalty to the achievement of your values.
~By Ayn Rand ~

I had this big thing about guitar harmonies. I wanted to be the first to put proper three-part harmonies onto a record. That was an achievement.
~By Brian May ~

The American economic, political, and social organization has given to its citizens the benefits of material prosperity, political liberty, and a wholesome natural equality; and this achievement is a gain, not only to Americans, but to the world and to civilization.
~By Herbert Croly ~

Creativity is a great motivator because it makes people interested in what they are doing. Creativity gives hope that there can be a worthwhile idea. Creativity gives the possibility of some sort of achievement to everyone. Creativity makes life more fun and more interesting.
~By Edward de Bono ~

To make the moral achievement implicit in science a source of strength to civilization, the scientist will have to have the cooperation also of the philosopher and the religious teacher.
~By Arthur Holly Compton ~

There is no finer sensations in life that which comes with victory over one's self. Go forward to a goal of inward achievement, brushing aside all your old internal enemies as you advance.
~By Vash Young ~

Mere longevity is a good thing for those who watch Life from the side lines. For those who play the game, an hour may be a year, a single day's work an achievement for eternity.
~By Helen Hayes ~

You must accept responsibility for your actions, but not the credit for your achievements.
~By Denis Waitley ~

Internationalism on the other hand admits that spiritual achievements have their roots deep in national life; from this national consciousness art and literature derive their character and strength and on it even many of the humanistic sciences are firmly based.
~By Christian Lous Lange ~

In Japan, mothers insist on achievement and accomplishment as a sign of love and respect. Thus to fail places children in a highly shamed situation.
~By Michael Lewis ~

Without continual growth and progress, such words as improvement, achievement, and success have no meaning.
~By Benjamin Franklin ~

It is no great art to say something briefly when, like Tacitus, one has something to say; when one has nothing to say, however, and none the less writes a whole book and makes truth into a liar - that I call an achievement.
~By Horace ~

The mechanical and social achievements of our day must not blind our eyes to the fact that, in all that relates to man, his nature and aspirations, we have added little or nothing to what has been so finely said by the great men of old.
~By James Loeb ~

Use missteps as stepping stones to deeper understanding and greater achievement.
~By Susan Taylor ~

All great achievements require time.
~By Maya Angelou ~

One of the greatest resources people cannot mobilize themselves is that they try to accomplish great things. Most worthwhile achievements are the result of many little things done in a single direction.
~By Nido Qubein ~

That's what makes the Ryder Cup in golf so much better than the Masters or the U.S. Open. To be a part of something that is not about personal achievement, but about representing everyone and sharing it with the whole country, it's wonderful.
~By Scott Hamilton ~

Painting constantly appeared to me as the one and only possible achievement.
~By Max Beckmann ~

Through these ongoing activities and possibly in the future, a Canadian will go live and work on the International Space Station and we will continue to make Canadians proud of our achievements in space.
~By Marc Garneau ~

The United States has made a massive effort since the end of the Second World War to secure the dominance of its films in foreign markets - an achievement generally pushed home politically, by writing clauses into various treaties and aid packages.
~By Fredric Jameson ~

Success has always been easy to measure. It is the distance between one's origins and one's final achievement.
~By Michael Korda ~

I attempt an arduous task; but there is no worth in that which is not a difficult achievement.
~By Ovid ~

This is what America is about when it comes to understanding that it is equal opportunity versus equal achievement. Each and every one of us has the opportunity for greatness in this country.
~By Allen West ~

But the perception of life as an organic unity is a slow achievement, and depends for its growth on a people's entry into the main current of world-events.
~By Muhammed Iqbal ~

An egalitarian educational system is necessarily opposed to meritocracy and reward for achievement. It is inevitably opposed to procedures that might reveal differing levels of achievement.
~By Robert Bork ~

We want to obviously foster a relationship that we're a partner with states; that we all share the same goals of closing the achievement gap, just as the Congress does; and that we're practical and sophisticated enough to understand what they're talking about.
~By Margaret Spellings ~

Well, perhaps the greatest achievement, and we didn't know it at the time, was we held an Earth Day in 1970, and out of that Earth Day a lot of students got involved in saving the environment, or trying to.
~By Pete McCloskey ~

Desire is the starting point of all achievement, not a hope, not a wish, but a keen pulsating desire which transcends everything.
~By Napoleon Hill ~

Emmys are wonderful and I'm thrilled to death that I have mine. But they're representative of a specific achievement, where this sort of thing is representative of how you've grown in your own industry.
~By Dinah Shore ~

First of all, just to get Diner made would have been an achievement in that I got a chance to direct.
~By Barry Levinson ~

Now, 0 for 50 would be a historic achievement on any other team, but on the Cubs it is usually called September.
~By Bernie Lincicome ~

Dissatisfaction with possession and achievement is one of the requisites to further achievement.
~By John Hope ~

Big thinking precedes great achievement.
~By Wilferd A. Peterson ~

I'm not the type who'll yell about my achievements from the rooftops.
~By Aishwarya Rai ~

Badges mean nothing in themselves, but they mark a certain achievement and they are a link between the rich and the poor. For when one girl sees a badge on a sister Scout's arm, if that girl has won the same badge, it at once awakens an interest and sympathy between them.
~By Juliette G. Low ~

On the basis of biological, sociological, and historical knowledge, we should recognize that the individual self is subject to death or decay, but the sum total of individual achievement, for better or worse, lives on in the immortality of The Larger.
~By Hu Shih ~

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September 7 ,2024
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