Open Relationship
Open Relationship Or Open Marriage: non-exclusive, non-monogamous, anything goes, no commitments
What Is The Meaning Or Definition Of Open Relationship Or Open Marriage: Open relationship is a no-strings-attached non-monogamous non-exclusive or polygamous relationship, where both partners mutually agree to give each other full freedom and total liberty to have other simultaneous romantic or sexual relationships, without any limitations or restrictions, and without jeopardizing or threatening their own association, making it a totally non-limiting and non-restrictive fully open relationship with no commitments or obligations whatsoever. An open relationship or marriage is a non-monogamous relationship between two people, in which both partners mutually agree and allow each other to openly form additional sexual relationships with any other people, and is hence, not considered infidelity or adultery. This is also known as polyamory, where there is a primary or core emotional and intimate relationship between two people, who both agree to let the other form additional romantic or sexual relationships with other people. Open relationships allow both partners to see other people outside of their own relationship. Most people who are in open relationships are likely not ready to be emotionally and sexually committed to just one person in a relationship. Two people can enter an open relationship at the very beginning, or people who are already in a committed relationship may later decide to make their relationship become more open to other possibilities with other people. This is an excellent example of having your cake and eating it too, both at the same time. Open relationships are a mixture of monogamous and polyamorous relationships. It brings out the best of both forms of relationships, but for some people, it could be totally unacceptable, and that can lead to all sort of problems. An open relationship allows both partners to be sexually intimate with anyone they want, but still reserve their emotional intimacy for each other only. In other words, each partner can have as many sexual partners as they wish, but only one true romantic partner for emotional bonding and support. An essential aspect of an open marriage or relationship is that it consists of two people who have mutually agreed to have intimate relationships with people outside of their primary relationship without calling it infidelity or cheating. It can be considered a semi-monogamous and semi-polygamous kind of relationship. Open relationship is a no strings attached non-monogamous non-exclusive or polygamous relationship, where both partners mutually agree to give each other full freedom and total liberty to have other simultaneous romantic or sexual relationships, without any limitations or restrictions, and without jeopardizing or threatening their own association. All these things makes it a totally non-limiting and non-restrictive fully open relationship with no commitments or obligations whatsoever. Open relationship is also called a casual relationship or non-committed relationship. Open relationship is when the parties involved usually have two or more romantic or sexual relationships occurring concurrently at the same time either as a short-term relationship, such as dating, or a long-term relationship, such as marriage. Open relationship is a term that is often used interchangeably with polygamy where one or both partners are allowed to have romantic or sexual relationships with others. Open relationship is an interpersonal romantic sexual relationship in which the people involved want to be together, but mutually agree to be available to have additional parallel relationships. Open relationship means all parties consensually agree that a romantic, intimate, or sexual relationship with another person is accepted, permitted, as well as tolerated. Open relationship is an age-old concept, but it is now being accepted more openly and is picking up very fast, especially with the younger generation and millennials. Open relationship is sometimes formed when one of the partners in a long term relationship falls in love with another person and does not want to leave the old relationship, leaving no choice but to maintain both relationships. Open relationship is also formed when one of the partners in a committed relationship is unable to fulfill the emotional or sexual needs of the other and hence, the need for a third person arises. Open relationships may also keep the original relationship more intact because the new relationship pumps in a sense of excitement and joy that goes even into the old relationship, making it more healthy and enjoyable. Open relationships may sometimes be a perfect scenario where two people in a committed relationship don’t want to leave each other, but at the same time, they want to experience relationships with other people mainly for excitement and pleasure. Open relationships has their own rules, both partners in a relationship must openly accept the fact that they are allowed to have other lovers while keeping their relationship intact, or else it would be labeled as infidelity or cheating. Open relationships require no commitments from either party, both can openly see other people and get involved with them romantically or sexually. Open relationship is not mutually exclusive as both partners are free to see whomever they want for whatever reason, but without threatening their own relationship. Open relationship is a type of relationship in which two people mutually agree that they want to be together, but are not able to promise that they won’t see other people too at the same time. Open relationship is a setting in which neither person owns the other for the purpose of exclusivity, in other words, they are free to hook up with other people if they wish to do so. Open relationship allows couples individual freedom and the choice to live and love each other without any restrictions or limitations of commitment. Open relationship gives both partners the permission to cheat openly and be honest with each other at the same time. Open relationship may not involve sex as it can very well be just a sexless emotional relationship. Open relationship is when two committed lovers do not limit each other from having other lovers. Open relationship is more common in some demographics such as young college educated people in the western world. Open relationship is more prevalent in certain sectors of society such as the elite class, the film industry, and the like. Type Of Open Relationship Or Open Marriage: -non-exclusive -non-monogamous -anything goes -no commitments
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