Follow Your Heart Or Your Head
Follow Your Heart Instead Of Your Head Because Your Intuitions And Instincts Are Related To Your Sixth Sense And Gut Feelings Which Are Usually Right
What Is The Meaning Or Definition Of Follow Your Heart Or Your Head: Love intuitions or instincts are often in conflict with what our hearts says. At times, our intuitions take over heart, and sometimes it’s the other way around. It depends on you who let overpowers the other. It is up to you which way of the line you want to tilt towards. Our ancestors advise us to follow our hearts but trust our instincts. This statement is difficult to decipher because it is contradictory. Head Vs Heart: In most cases, you will find your heart and instincts at odds. You will often face this challenge and may have to decide which one to trust, your heart, or your instincts. Of course, the ideal situation would be when your heart and your instincts are in agreement, but that doesn’t happen very often. But when it does, it’s safe to take the plunge and see how things roll out. Listen To Your Heart And Not Your Head: Following your heart is like listening to your deep-down feelings, and trusting your instincts may turn out to be overly skeptical. Sometimes, your instincts or your gut feeling may be so strong that it will prevent you from listening to your heart at all. However, we sometimes choose to ignore our instincts and listen to our hearts for unknown reasons. Perhaps because we feel drawn towards that person almost like a magnet. When You Should Follow Your Heart Or Head: However you cut the cookie, it’s a risky game. We should try to bridge the gap between our intuitions and heart. For the most part, our instincts are formed based on how we are from birth and our previous experiences. Sometimes, our sixth sense also comes in between. Our preconceived notions about love and our expectations also play an essential role. Our past mistakes, as well as failures, make our guards always on. We may even start looking for ideality in the other person. Follow Your Heart Instead Of Your Head: The best way is not to let our instincts be too overprotective of us and seek all that we want in love. If you fail to do that, you may discard opportunities that may have potential. Let your instincts communicate with your heart and let the two of them come to some sort of consensus. While you do that, be prepared to make some compromises and update your expectations of an ideal partner. Follow Your Heart But Take Your Brain With You: Instincts are responses to a specific stimulus. Every human behaves differently, and every human loves differently. Some are over-expressive to love, and some are not. Of course, there is a specific reaction to the action of love, but all reactions differ from person to person. How To Listen To Your Heart When Your Head Disagrees: Our intuition can be totally wrong. So listen to your heart while keeping in mind all other things as a guide. Then take a final decision. Sometimes we have to make a decision and see where it leads us instead of taking a guaranteed path to success. Your Intuition Can Never Be Wrong In Matters Of Love: Take intuition as just of many factors while evaluating a prospective romantic relationship. There are just too many variables, and you have to take chances. If you put all your rationalization as well as intuitive energies to work together, the chances are that you will end up making the right decision. At the very least, you will have a good shot at love.
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