The Mistress Or Kept Woman
A Mistress Or Kept Woman Or The Other Woman Or Side Chick Is A Woman Who Is Romantically Or Sexually Involved With Some Other Woman's Husband Or Spouse
What Is The Meaning Or Definition Of The Mistress: A mistress or a kept woman or the other woman or side chick is a single female who is a long-term lover or romantic companion of a single person or an already married male, but the two are not married to each other. Such a relationship is semi-stable and semi-permanent as the couple does not live together openly by keeping the relationship a secret, and the woman is commonly called a kept because the male lover covers her living expenses. Origination Of The Mistress: The word comes comes from a French female form of "maistre," meaning “master.” The term "mistress" is the root word of both of the abbreviations "Mrs" and "Miss," just like "Mr" is an abbreviation of "Master," and the ways in which the words derived from "mistress" have transformed into their own versions of meanings is enchanting and changes in these meanings tells us profoundly about the evolving status of women. The Kept Woman: A mistress also means a kept woman, who is other than the wife of a married man, with whom there is an ongoing sexual relationship. She is a girl on the side to have fun with anytime the man desires. She is a miss but still an unofficial misses of a mister. The man in such a case must have a committed partner or a wife to call his other girl a mistress. A mistress is like a woman who has no value other than that of sexual satisfaction. She is almost like a puppet who is manipulated by men to fulfill their sexual desires. The Other Woman: The other woman is defined as a woman who is romantically or sexually involved with another woman's husband or lover, especially a woman who is having an affair with a married man. The expression is usually used with “the” to make an emphasis. This is an age-old phenomenon. It has always existed since the beginning of time. Who Is The Mistress: The other woman can be almost anyone. She could be the husband’s friend, colleague, or old accomplice. She could be the wife’s best friend. She could be a new fling. She could be a result of a brief affair. She could be just about anyone. How A Mistress Comes In The Picture: The other woman usually comes into the picture when the wife seizes to fulfill the sexual needs of the husband. The man feels he needs someone who can satisfy his needs. There can also be a lack of chemistry in bed. This makes the man look for someone who could be more fulfilling. Why A Mistress Comes In The Picture: Most husbands love their wives, but men will always be men. They need variety and usually get bored with the same person. They love home-cooked meals but get tired of having the same dish every day and make an excuse of having something different once in a while. The other woman makes such men excited and feel good about themselves and life in general. How Some Women Give Rise To A Mistress: Some women drive their men away by being too demanding. They expect their men to spend all their time with them. There are also a lot of nagging and constant suspicions. All these things make the man very suffocated and frustrated. It creates a path for the man to look for another woman who can be more understanding. In this case, the wife drives her husband away from her and into the arms of the other woman. Main Characteristics Of A Mistress: The main characteristics of the other woman are that she is usually hot, glamorous, and sexy, but that may not always be the case. Her primary purpose is just to fill the gaps that exist in a man’s needs in a marriage. For that reason, she may even be older and less attractive than the wife. She becomes a part-time lover and usually tends to be more submissive towards the man’s needs. A Mistress Can Be A True Lover Too: A mistress in some cases is a woman sleeping with a married man, and who genuinely loves the man she is with, but for some reason, they can’t be in a real relationship. There can make many kinds of circumstances that can prevent two people from getting into a real relationship, such as having a child or some sort of complexity in their relationship. A Mistress Has No Legal Rights: Regardless of everything else, it’s the wife that has the first claim on her husband’s surname, children, special occasions, properties, bank accounts, etc. The other woman can never have any legal or even moral rights. The good news is that once the newly found excitement found with the other woman withers away or leads a double life becomes too stressful, the husband usually come back to the wife. They then lead a happy life together but only if the wife can give all that the husband desires. Or else, it will be one another woman and a repeat of the whole cycle. The Male Mistress Is Also Known As Mister Or The Other Man Or The Kept Man: Lastly, it’s worth mentioning that there is something known as the male version of the mistress or the male equivalent of mistress, which is also sometimes known as “the other man” or “the kept man.” This verbiage has not caught so much attention or popularity, but it surely exists. In this case, it’s the wife that looks for another man to fulfill her desires and bridge the gap that exists in her marriage. This concept is rapidly catching up in modern society, especially in the big metropolitan areas.
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