
Meaning And Definition Of Gays And Lesbians

Ultimate Guide To The Most Precise Explanation And Outstanding Interpretation Of The Meaning And Definition Of Gays And Lesbians

What Is The Meaning Or Definition Of Gay: Gay is a homosexual who is emotionally, romantically, sexually, and aesthetically attracted to people of the same gender, and never to the opposite gender. This term is mainly used for men who are attracted to other men, but is now also sometimes used for women who are attracted to other women. What Is The Meaning Or Definition Of Lesbian: Lesbians are homosexuals who are emotionally, romantically, sexually, and aesthetically attracted to other people of the same gender and never to the opposite sex, also known as female homosexuals or lesbos. This term is only used for homosexual women, and never for men, and they do not hate men, but they just don’t have any feelings for males.

Date Posted/Updated On: 11-16-2024
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