
Tips For Making Friends In New Work Place

10 Tips For Making Friends In New Work Place Or Office For Possible Friendship Or Relationship

Following is the full list of ten top most tips for making friends in a new workplace or office for possible friendship or relationship: # Introduce Yourself: If you have just joined a new job and want to make new friends, the first step is to introduce yourself to everyone who works around you, and also exchange contact information. If your workplace is like a vast campus, then it would be easier to start interacting with your immediate team members and support staff that you are going to work with in your new job. You do not have to make it a formal meeting event, and you can introduce yourself to others in places such as the cafeteria or around the pantry or before going into a meeting, or even in the elevator. If you are new then it is perfectly reasonable to introduce yourself, where you take that initial introduction in your platonic relationship would be entirely up to you. # Memorize Names: Making new friends at a new job can become reasonably easy if you can memorize the names of the people that you intend to be friends with, which may be hard in the beginning but you will slowly get a grasp of it. Once you learn people’s names, use them to address them in conversations so that they can feel that you know them or perhaps want to know them better. Taking a person’s first name while talking to them is one of the sweetest and most important gestures in almost any culture, it makes them feel wanted. So if you're going to build new relationships and want to leave a more favorable impression about yourself from the start, always learn names and then use them whenever you feel appropriate while talking to them. # Eat Together: One of the best ways to bond with other people at new work is by eating together with others, giving you a chance to spend your lunchtime while getting to know a few new people. Eating together is an easy way to meet and speak with people, especially with the ones that fall outside of your immediate team or department. It is no secret that food brings people together, capitalize on that thought and use it to the full potential to make a few new good friends at your new workplace. It may be a fantastic idea to share some home-cooked meals with a few people and then perhaps share the recipe, making it a perfect setting to continue the conversation for the next time and take your relationship to the next level. # After Hours: Use the after-hours to go to happy hours with a few coworkers to grab a drink and a quick snack, giving you a chance to make new friends at a new job. Try to stick with a smaller group size so that you can get to know them at a more personal level, and you can try going out with different people each time to see what works best for you. It may be a great idea to offer to pay for someone that you like and the chances are that the other person would like to return the favor by paying for you the next time around, giving you a chance to hang out with the same person again. The stress-free environment will open the door to talk about non-work-related stuff, and you will get an opportunity to connect with others on a more personal relationship level. # Organize Desk: One of the best places to tell other people at your new work about your personal life is by decorating your desk with a few personal items, making it a perfect way to communicate with other coworkers about your private life indirectly. Decorate your desk creatively, and add some personality to your own space by putting a few photo frames or souvenirs on your desk. Such small things can help others learn more about you, and some may even motivate them to stop by and strike up a conversation with you. This can be a great thing if you want to make new relationships at your new work because now you would have created a situation where others will come to you to talk, instead of you getting in the dilemma of how to approach other people. # Interest Groups: Every big and small company has an interest group that anyone can join, and these groups are designed to facilitate socialization with staff members. Join a group that is of interest to you, and this would give you a great chance to mingle with other people and make a few new friends. In case there aren’t any groups that interest you or if there aren't any groups at all in your workplace, start one yourself and you will be surprised how eager others would be to join you. Such groups at work can lighten the stress and also connect coworkers in a more personal or non-professional manner and that is an excellent thing if you are serious about meeting new people for forming new relationships. # Positive Attitude: It does not matter if you are new at work or old, positivity is contagious and can spread like wildfire in the office environment which makes things a lot friendlier for everyone. If you wish to make new friends at your new job, you got to be positive so that other coworkers can get drawn toward you. Maintain a positive demeanor, the one that is also humorous because no one wants to be friends with people who are negative or have sad faces. Try to become the sunlight of your office so that you can brighten up the stressful work environment, and if you can do that then other people will automatically approach you and want to have a cordial relationship with you. # Ask Questions: If you are new at your work, the chances are that you are going to need a lot of help from other people and other people may have a lot of questions for you as well. Use this as an opportunity to get to know other people, just because a lot of people like engaging in question and answer sessions as long as they are not too stressful. After all, the only way to understand your new work or even to get to new people is simply by asking questions. So never feel shy to ask anything from anyone, and you never know where one small question may take you in your pursuit of making new relationships. # Greet Coworkers: Greeting other people at your new job is a sure way to make a few new friends, and it is almost effortless to do that. So whenever you pass other people in the hallway or the common areas, greet them and engage in small talk. Never hide your face when you come across people, instead make eye contact and say a few words. If there is any special occasion or festival, then that would be an excellent opportunity to wish other people and in the process try to get to know them by striking up a few conversations whenever possible, and this a great tip for the holiday season or to start new relationships in general. # Offer Help: If you are at a new job, the chances are that you are going to need a lot of help with your work portfolio. Don't feel hesitant in asking for help from other team members, and most people are very forthcoming to help a new employee. By the same token, make sure to offer support whenever you find some overworked or have a pile of files on their desk. Asking for help and offering help can both facilitate a dialog between you and other people, and that may start a few new solid friendships or relationships as everyone likes the team-player mindset.

Date Posted/Updated On: 11-16-2024
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