How To Get A Girl Or Guy To Like You
10 Ways Of How To Get A Girl Or Guy To Like You Or Your Crush To Have Feelings Or Emotions For You Or Love You In The Same Way As You Love Them
Having a crush on someone is a very normal and healthy thing. But getting the other person to like you as well can be a daunting task. Fortunately, there are a lot of ways you can make the other person get your attention. Now it is an entirely different thing if they will end up liking you as well. All you can do is try and see how things go. Following is the full list of ten top most effective ways of how to get a girl or guy to like you or your crush to have feelings or emotions for you or love you in the same way as you love them: # Send Signals: The first thing to do is send your crush some flirtatious verbal and non-verbal signals indicating your interest. These signals would be enough to let the other person know that you are interested in them. Try to give subtle hints by blushing at them or just smiling at them. Do not go overboard and just do simple things to get their attention. # Eye Contact: The best way to get noticed by someone is by making direct eye contact. Look at your crush for a few seconds or until you are able to make eye contact. Then look elsewhere for a while and repeat the same thing a few times. Try to see if you can hold eye contact with them without making them feel uneasy or uncomfortable. # Start Conversation: Try to strike a conversation with your crush. Break the ice by just greeting them or perhaps an excellent pick-up line could do wonders as long it is your original line. Once the conversation starts try to keep talking for as long as possible. It would be awkward to end the conversation and then start it again after a long pause. # Smile Laugh: Make sure to smile and laugh while talking to your crush. Take their first name while addressing them to make them feel good and to make things more personal. Give them a slightly naughty smile to tell them you are into them. Never overdo it because that may make the other person run away from you. # Become Friends: Get to know your crush and at least become well acquainted with each other. Then try to turn that acquaintance into a platonic friendship. Talk to them as casual friends. You can then become more than friends as things begin to unwind. # Look Good: If you want to make your crush fall in love with you then you must look at your very best. Always be neat and tidy when you are around them. Be fashionable and dress well to make an impression. Also, keep a distinctive body odor and be well groomed so that you make a good impression. # Hang Out: Spend time with your crush in a public place so that you can keep things casual. You both can go to an event that you both like or perhaps for a coffee but the idea should be to spend some quality time doing things that you both like. Find out the hobbies and interests of your crush and then try to do the same things. If they are into sports then try to take them to a sporting event and if they are movie buff then take them out for a movie. # Be Patient: Let things move forward at a natural pace and never force yourself onto your crush or become a pile-on. Some light flirting is fine but too much of it can backfire and give them time to open up with you. You need to tease your crush a little bit if you want them to like you and the best way to do that is by making a move and then taking a step back. Let them come after you and keep repeating this until you get what you want from them. # Offer Help: People like it when others offer them help even when they don’t need it. Look for opportunities to provide support even if it’s not warranted. The idea should be to look generous to your crush. It will also make you look like a caring person. # Accept Rejection: If things don’t work out in your favor then graciously accept it. Understand that not everyone will the same way about you as you feel about them. Never take things to your heart. This is just one of many crushes that you are going to have in your life so forget it and move on.
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