Support Quotes And Sayings

Quotes And Sayings About Support

Read This: Loss Quotes And Sayings

We need to continue our full support of the nascent Iraqi government by helping to rebuild their economic infrastructure and maintain security while training the Iraqi security forces.
~By Pat Roberts ~

Certainly, we need to support the communities around the country, and we do.
~By Jim Walsh ~

For the good of our environment, the good of the economy, and the good of the Nation, I strongly urge support of the upper Mississippi locks and dams project.
~By Leonard Boswell ~

Giving votes in exchange for ideological support. To wit: identity politics for homosexuals.
~By Harry Hay ~

At the Carter Center we work with victims of oppression, and we give support to human rights heroes.
~By Jimmy Carter ~

I support population control. I think USA should do the same.
~By Alex Chiu ~

I want to believe that those who have been appointed to accomplish this mission will be totally committed, devoting all their skills and determination to their work. I urge you to lend them your support so that, together, we can build that bright future worthy of our country.
~By Paul Biya ~

All of us who are convinced that our military needs all the support the government and public will provide are pleased that he will have his chance to do just that.
~By Alex Morrison ~

I've always been clear, I support the traditional definition of marriage.
~By Stephen Harper ~

Entertainers, athletes, and stars started giving me support.
~By Ryan White ~

Comrade Deng Xiaoping - along with other party elders - gave the party leadership their firm and full support to put down the political disturbance using forceful measures.
~By Li Peng ~

We should be recklessly abandoned to Jesus, and just turn it over to Him. Through the support I think the sacrifices will be made and we'll all be cool with it.
~By Stacie Orrico ~

I rise today in support of Bill C-38, the Civil Marriage Act. I rise in support of a Canada in which liberties are safeguarded, rights are protected and the people of this land are treated as equals under the law.
~By Paul Martin ~

It is more profitable for your congressman to support the tobacco industry than your life.
~By Jackie Mason ~

I think the most difficult thing had been scaling the infrastructure. Trying to support the response we had received from our users and the number of people that were interested in using the software.
~By Shawn Fanning ~

We need to remind our core supporters that we have not forgotten their concern with the way our democracy is being replaced by European bureaucracy in so many areas.
~By John Redwood ~

People always seem to assume that we have a full, back-up support team - make-up, costume and a driver - but usually, in a war zone, there's only me and the cameraman.
~By Kate Adie ~

At age 12, I was put on tranquilizers when I should have gotten help. There was nothing major and awful, I just didn't feel my family was supportive and emotionally generous.
~By Paula Danziger ~

It is easier to have faith that God will support each House of Hospitality and Farming Commune and supply our needs in the way of food and money to pay bills, than it is to keep a strong, hearty, living faith in each individual around us - to see Christ in him.
~By Dorothy Day ~

Let me close as I did in Gander on September 11, 2002 when I went to that community to thank the people of Gander and the people of Canada for the overwhelming support and help that was given to us in the wake of those attacks on September 11, 2001.
~By Paul Cellucci ~

Let me be clear. I support the definition of marriage as a union between a man and a woman.
~By Ben Nelson ~

Having loving and supporting parents didn't make me feel any better about the possibility of seeing my personal life splashed across newspapers and tabloids.
~By Mary Cheney ~

I support health care for people. I want people well taken care of. But I also want health care that we can afford as a country. I have people and friends closing down their businesses because of Obamacare.
~By Donald Trump ~

We must continue our fight to ensure that Federal, State, and local authorities have the resources and support necessary to combat this growing epidemic. This is a top priority for me and many of my colleagues here in Congress.
~By Ron Lewis ~

It's very difficult to ignore humanitarian disasters. The royalties from my albums continue to support my charity work.
~By Cat Stevens ~

Yet the effort to inform the public also encouraged responsible public discussion that succeeded in developing a consensus for the measured approach that many scientists supported.
~By Paul Berg ~

The Romans were not inventors of the supporting arch, but its extended use in vaults and intersecting barrel shapes and domes is theirs.
~By Harry Seidler ~

The terrorists who committed the 2003 Istanbul attacks were locals, that is, Turks. And when filmmaker Theo van Gogh was murdered in the Netherlands last year, the murderer and his supporters were also part of the Muslim community.
~By Otto Schily ~

We should insist that governments receiving American aid live up to standards of accountability and transparency, and we should support countries that embrace market reforms, democracy, and the rule of law.
~By Lee H. Hamilton ~

My demographic of people have been very supportive.
~By Paul Anka ~

Water is always a support or a healing thing apart from, you know, love or peace of mind.
~By Nastassja Kinski ~

It is a high patriotic duty that we support and sustain the men who have been placed in position of difficulty, burden, responsibility, and even danger as the result of our suffrages.
~By Bainbridge Colby ~

Don't you know that silence supports the accuser's charge?
~By Sophocles ~

Animals when in company walk in a proper and sensible manner, in single file, instead of sprawling all across the road and being of no use or support to each other in case of sudden trouble or danger.
~By Kenneth Grahame ~

You don't need to be for or against the war to provide morale and support to the men and women who are fighting over seas. These are human beings who are doing a service.
~By Mike Thompson ~

While the level of support we can each provide certainly varies, it is very important at this time that we all do what we can to help our neighbors - not only our immediate neighbors here in Alabama, but those further away in Mississippi and Louisiana.
~By Jo Bonner ~

I loved living and breathing theatre so much that I decided I had to find a way to bring my desire to act and my ability to support myself together. I'd run through the possibilities in Washington, so that meant moving to New York.
~By Karen Allen ~

When his nomination comes before the United States Senate, Timothy Batten can count on my strong support... He is the right person for the job.
~By Saxby Chambliss ~

But I'll tell you this, it started with my mother. I have to give her. God bless her and rest her soul. I had a good foundation at home, so when I was able to go off and do these things in baseball there was always support.
~By Dave Winfield ~

For the first time in 23 years I'm enjoying the process of supporting it, of going out and doing shows, and doing the interviews, and doing everything.
~By Rosanne Cash ~

I do support enhanced interrogation techniques. Obviously their value is shining through with respect to the bin Laden killing.
~By Tim Pawlenty ~

I got a publishing deal with BMG, they were supportive, and some money to record demos.
~By Duncan Sheik ~

My son tried to work in films and he ultimately gave it up, he finally couldn't make a living, he couldn't support himself. He worked all the time and he didn't make enough money to have a house, have an apartment.
~By Jeffrey Jones ~

We do have some assistance from the World Bank but not from the IMF. We are not borrowing yet, but we are considering, in the future, borrowing from the Kuwait Fund to support our infrastructure development.
~By Jose Ramos Horta ~

We did a show called The Orphan Train, during the depression, when families didn't have enough money to support their children, they'd put them on the train and hope someone would pick them up who had enough money to support their children.
~By Robert Stack ~

Both my mother and father were very supportive of any career move any of us wanted to make.
~By James Gandolfini ~

Those who today still feel a sense of impotence can do something: they can support Amnesty International. They can help it to stand up for freedom and justice.
~By Peter Benenson ~

I support concrete and progressive immigration reform based on three primary criteria: family reunification, economic contributions, and humanitarian concerns.
~By Jeff Bingaman ~

During my six years with them Dr Garnet Davey (subsequently Research Director) constantly supported me and, I have no doubt, fought many battles on my behalf to keep the initially controversial programme going.
~By James W. Black ~

Statistics are used much like a drunk uses a lamppost: for support, not illumination.
~By Vin Scully ~

The probability that we may fail in the struggle ought not to deter us from the support of a cause we believe to be just.
~By Abraham Lincoln ~

I was amazed at the support that I got when I was in there. And when I came out people knew that I was back on track. I was interested in working again.
~By Kate Moss ~

I grew up in a very literate, very independent household where people spoke their ideas and were very supportive of helping each other find their own way.
~By Lucinda Williams ~

With those attacks, the terrorists and their supporters declared war on the United States. And war is what they got.
~By George W. Bush ~

The right to kill another person is not a right that I would agree with and support.
~By Tom Tancredo ~

Know that each acre of fallow ought to support yearly two sheep at the least, then a hundred acres of fallow can support two hundred sheep, two hundred acres, four hundred sheep and so on.
~By Robert Grosseteste ~

The cooperation of government at its different levels is important and can only be achieved as long as the people of Chicago are directly involved in our efforts and supportive of our goals.
~By Jane Byrne ~

I support stem cell research, including embryonic stem cell research.
~By Bob Ehrlich ~

I think the support of the other team at AOL and everybody's really shared passion and belief about this and - saying that some day everybody was going to be on line.
~By Steve Case ~

The Assembly has witnessed over the last weeks how historical truth is established; once an allegation has been repeated a few times, it is no longer an allegation, it is an established fact, even if no evidence has been brought out in order to support it.
~By Dag Hammarskjold ~

We are here predominantly to support independent filmmakers and their needs. We are also here to assist people actually in their production, non-commercial people in their production.
~By Ann Macbeth ~

You don't want the biggest record deal as far as money goes, you just want to make sure that the people at the label really support your band and the music and stuff.
~By Adam Rich ~

Tyrants have always some slight shade of virtue; they support the laws before destroying them.
~By Voltaire ~

We must now make clear to Lebanon that it will not benefit from U.S. assistance and support as long as it harbors this brutal terrorist and murder.
~By Jim DeMint ~

Supporting the troops has got to mean more than bumper stickers on pickup trucks, my friends. We need to give them what they need.
~By Solomon Ortiz ~

I'm ambitious but I'm not particularly competitive. I'll try to get roles, as I think it's healthy to go for things, but... I think there's too much competition between women already. It's important to have female solidarity and support each other and other actresses.
~By Rose Byrne ~

This cream will help one's nature strengthen and grow, The diet gives support in my decline.
~By Du Fu ~

Each Wal-Mart store should reflect the values of its customers and support the vision they hold for their community.
~By Sam Walton ~

My husband travels a lot with his job, so we have a lot of frequent flyer miles so we can hop on a plane with no notice. That's a nice luxury and he is very supportive.
~By Jeri Ryan ~

I rise today in strong support of the Children's Safety and Violent Crime Reduction Act, because it is a commonsense way to protect our schoolchildren from pedophiles.
~By Ric Keller ~

I started at 5 years old in the kitchen table with my family supporting me. I know where I'm from and I know exactly where I'm going.
~By Celine Dion ~

As far as the girls in my grade, it was always kind of an on-and-off thing. When all this came up, it was kind of hard. My guy friends and my family friends have been so amazing and supportive.
~By Stacie Orrico ~

I am a Korean War veteran. I support our troops as much as anyone in this body, but I do so by advocating redeployment out of Iraq as soon as it can be safely done.
~By John Conyers ~

Everyone town of 100,000 in the United States should have a Classical Theater supported by the town, or the state of the county, or the Federal Government, as they have in every civilized country.
~By Tony Randall ~

Truth stands, even if there be no public support. It is self-sustained.
~By Mohandas Gandhi ~

Families are the tie that reminds us of yesterday, provide strength and support today, and give us hope for tomorrow. No government, no matter how well-intentioned, or well-managed, can provide what our families provide.
~By Bill Owens ~

But which is the stone that supports the bridge?
~By Kublai Khan ~

We'll support the government on issues if it's essential to the country but our primary responsibility is not to prop up the government, our responsibility is to provide an opposition and an alternative government for Parliament and for Canadians.
~By Stephen Harper ~

I don't have a boyfriend right now. I'm looking for anyone with a job that I don't have to support.
~By Anna Nicole Smith ~

I have been extremely pleased to support the Trust's work in the Lupus Unit ever since. Personal experience also motivated me to become involved to help raise the awareness of the disease and hopefully thereby improve the speed of diagnosis.
~By Elaine Paige ~

When I left the show, the fans were so amazing in terms of the outpouring of support and continued support all that time whatever ways they could be in touch with me.
~By Alice Barrett ~

Everyone has said very supportive things coming out of D.C. today. We can't wait when the race has begun.
~By Katherine Harris ~

I'm very much in support of the free press, but the free press ought to be educational and informative. And I believe they have fallen down recently on that.
~By Sam Dash ~

We will never win this war until we understand the effect that Guantanamo Bay has had on the overall war effort. And we'll never get the support of the American people if we can't prove to them that these folks that we're dealing with are not common criminals. We're going to keep them - keep you safe from them.
~By Lindsey Graham ~

I'm somebody who deserves to be supported and encouraged to continue my work because I have a lot to give.
~By Steve Guttenberg ~

Because you basically won a close re-election, your first task is to unify the city. And it's done not with words but with actions, by reaching out, to the supporters of your opponent as well as to reassure your own supporters.
~By Marc Morial ~

In every society in human history, including the United States, those in power seek to imbue themselves with the attributes of religion and patriotism as a way of getting greater support for their policy and insulating themselves from any criticism.
~By George J. Mitchell ~

From watching the news one would think the Iraqis want us out of their country. But an overwhelming majority of Iraqis support our involvement there. Our freedom is contagious and we helped liberate them.
~By Jim Bunning ~

Leave the matter of religion to the family altar, the church, and the private school, supported entirely by private contributions. Keep the church and state forever separate.
~By Ulysses S. Grant ~

I mention this fact as tending to support what I have often heard stated, namely, that a shark's sense of smell is so keen that, if men ever bathe in seas where they are found, a shark is almost sure to appear directly afterwards.
~By George Grey ~

I went into acting because I had to make a good living. I had a child now and I had to support him any way I could... I wasn't happy, but I wasn't unhappy. I was just doing what I had to do to survive.
~By David Soul ~

I do a lot of work with the Dyslexia Institute because, for people with dyslexia who do not have parental support, it is a huge disadvantage. I was fortunate because my Mum was a teacher and she taught me to work hard.
~By Susan Hampshire ~

Belize pledges it continued support to the aspirations of the 23 million people of Taiwan to be full participants in all organs and agencies of the international community.
~By Said Musa ~

Any government that supports, protects or harbours terrorists is complicit in the murder of the innocent and equally guilty of terrorist crimes.
~By George W. Bush ~

Without renouncing the support of physics, it is possible for the physiology of the senses, not only to pursue its own course of development, but also to afford to physical science itself powerful assistance.
~By Ernst Mach ~

The platform we had in Dallas, the 1984 Republican platform, all the ideas we supported there - from tax policy, to foreign policy; from individual rights, to neighborhood security - are things that Jefferson Davis and his people believed in.
~By Trent Lott ~

My own electorate, which I represented for 36 years as an anti-apartheid politician, had a considerable number of Jewish voters supporting me throughout my career.
~By Helen Suzman ~

The main peculiarity which distinguishes man from other animals is the means of his support-the power which he possesses of very greatly increasing these means.
~By Thomas Malthus ~

As a performer you are being used to keep people watching so the commercial endorsements that support the network can be seen by as many people as possible.
~By Marc Maron ~

It is our character that supports the promise of our future - far more than particular government programs or policies.
~By William Bennett ~

Read This: Cooperation Quotes And Sayings
May 18 ,2024
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